HT DX05 - Indiana Jones - in-hand images

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no, point is people have their own opinions whether good or bad, It's the same both ways, just ignore what you don't want to hear. Just because ya'll are saying good things does not make it any less annoying. Both sides are just saying what they feel. Threads are for feedback no ass kissing. Just tried to make a point. It's the same on the other side of the fence bro.
just got it guys....if you liked it before...youll love it in person.

Great pic! :hi5:

Thanks for sharing!

Careful of that 18" Hellboy - the Right Hand of Doom just fell off mine one day out of the blue. Plastic lives were lost. :(

Oh snap?!?!

The point being, if you don't like it, then why be on the thread? That's why the mods shut down the other thread...people beating a dead horse who weren't even buying the figure...they just wanna hear themselves talk.

For what its worth, I do like it. I just didn't know there was a wonky variant. :dunno
I don't want wonky variant.

faststreetsofhongkong has actually seen more than two wonky variants. He was looking out for all of us interested in this piece by going back to the store and taking the pictures he posted on page 86 of this thread. I have seen two sculpts personally that were different. Both were bad sculpts in my opinion. faststreetsofhongkong found 1 out of the four or five the store owner was able to show him. Many people in the next couple weeks will receive theirs. It is only right that they are aware of the variant issue and it is up to Hot Toys to announce they acknowledge the existence of variants and that they are going to do something about it. Going against what I am saying by putting me down is missing the big picture and avoiding the problem altogether.
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You've posted at least 10-20 times in this thread since then... The same stuff over and over again. THAT is peoples' issue with you, not that you don't like the figure. You're embarrassing yourself and you obviously aren't aware of it, or just don't care. You have zero credibility in this discussion now. None.

No doubt...Everytime I see his post it says the same thing, I have to check the time stamp to make sure that I am on the current page.
no, point is people have their own opinions whether good or bad, It's the same both ways, just ignore what you don't want to hear. Just because ya'll are saying good things does not make it any less annoying. Both sides are just saying what they feel. Threads are for feedback no ass kissing. Just tried to make a point. It's the same on the other side of the fence bro.

Yeah I get that, I just don't see what the payoff is for hanging around on this thread complaining about a figure that your not getting. Care to enlighten me?
Seriously though guys. All we had to do was listen to the clipper king. He said there is no way he would fookin bull sheet us. 5 out of 5. Don't know what all the fuss is about.
Yeah I get that, I just don't see what the payoff is for hanging around on this thread complaining about a figure that your not getting. Care to enlighten me?

Well, if it wasn't for fastreetsofhongkong going back and getting the pictures, all of you yaysayers would have continued your bullying and denying there is a problem with certain sculpts. Hot Toys now has on their facebook page those pictures and have yet to make a comment about it officially. In order to make sure that if some of us do get a "wonky sculpt", then all of our posts pointing out the errors in the sculpts become relevant. If Hot Toys announced the mistakes and announces a planned fix for thos with bad sculpts, you can give fastreetsofhonkong and me a thank you..
Don't cancel. None if the pics I've seen look as good as he does in hand. And if you're not happy with him, you should have no problem selling him :)

True but money's tight i'd rather get the parts I want. Which I may do by selling what I don't want. I meant no disrespect man,i was just making a point.
Well, if it wasn't for fastreetsofhongkong going back and getting the pictures, all of you yaysayers would have continued your bullying and denying there is a problem with certain sculpts. Hot Toys now has on their facebook page those pictures and have yet to make a comment about it officially. In order to make sure that if some of us do get a "wonky sculpt", then all of our posts pointing out the errors in the sculpts become relevant. If Hot Toys announced the mistakes and announces a planned fix for thos with bad sculpts, you can give fastreetsofhonkong and me a thank you..

dang... You'd think he'd stop. :lol: Maybe we should just thank him so he can be quiet?
True but money's tight i'd rather get the parts I want. Which I may do by selling what I don't want. I meant no disrespect man,i was just making a point.

No neither. I get the tight funds thing...I wouldn't have this guy if it weren't for SSC flexpay.
One of the most convincing aspects of the Indiana Jones universe is that his jacket and hat actually look like they have been worn around the world for years. I mean, the first time you see him in ROTLA you just know he is tough and has already been through hell just to get to the temple. With this in mind I am going to buy a second set of clothes and jacket and apply wear and tear. I think weathering on the pants and shirt should be fairly easy, but I was wondering about the jacket. The desired effect would be old dry leather with noticeable wear at the seams. Any suggestions for pulling this off convincingly?