HT DX05 - Indiana Jones - in-hand images

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To be honest I considered cancelling about a week ago just because of all the negativity that surrounded this particular figure. It's a big chunk of change to blow on an inferior product, but I am a huge Indy fan and decided to ride it out. Today I was really kinda nervous about what would actually show up when it was delivered. I was very relieved and happy when I pulled that cover outta the box and saw the figure. Hopefully others will feel the same upon the arrival of their Indy not saying that will be the case for everyone, but I hope it is.
To be honest I considered cancelling about a week ago just because of all the negativity that surrounded this particular figure. It's a big chunk of change to blow on an inferior product, but I am a huge Indy fan and decided to ride it out. Today I was really kinda nervous about what would actually show up when it was delivered. I was very relieved and happy when I pulled that cover outta the box and saw the figure. Hopefully others will feel the same upon the arrival of their Indy not saying that will be the case for everyone, but I hope it is.

Good to hear man, thanks! Mine arrives early Friday morning, but I am leaving for New Mexico that morning so I'll probably only get to spend 5 minutes with him until next Tuesday. <----Not happy about this :monkey2
Good to hear man, thanks! Mine arrives early Friday morning, but I am leaving for New Mexico that morning so I'll probably only get to spend 5 minutes with him until next Tuesday. <----Not happy about this :monkey2

Well those five minutes should be enough time to let you know if your satisfied with it or not. So here's hoping for the best for ya.

no idea if it got posted of modifiying the eyes



Is it just me, or is there some kind of pact in between the same 3-4 yaysayers? whithin seconds, the same 3-4 gang up on anyone that doesnt agree with them.

Thanks for the pics. There is something obviously diffrent in the sculpts, ala john conner.

Thank you.
:rotfl:rotfl:rotfl I love how his foot is in the trap and he is still engaged in hand to hand with the badgers. Epic
All the info one can get is good... so now that I saw faststreet's photos I can see what everyone was talking about and the differences are there. I know I always appreciate all the shared photos and critical comments about any of the figures at this forum.
What is it with Indy and bizarre sculpts?

The original Raiders PF had the 'Obama Jones' batches where his skin tone was waaaay too dark.

Now we have 'Caveman Jones' where some Hot Toys batches have a way too prominent jawline.
What exactly is this eye mod because that bottom pic is so dead-on Ford it is lifelike?

Basically he shaved down the inside of the head so that the eyes could be placed more forward. It eliminates the shadow caused by the PERS and overall they don't look so sunken.