HT DX05 - Indiana Jones - in-hand images

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No, I don't think the head is tiny at all.

For those that have Indy in hand, is the complexion on yours more tan that it appears in photos? In hand, mine has a pretty good tan (not overly tan mind you).
The new Bruce Wayne head is also tiny and IMO a huge step down from the prototype. I'm wondering we may have seen HT's peak... Price hikes and quality drops... I'm worried they might be self destructing.

I don't think its anywhere near that dire of a situation... Superman looks like a homerun and it came out the same day.

It is possible HT is making too many of the figures which could be leading to a drop in quality, but they seem far from self-destruction.
Still loving this guy. One problem. Mine came with a whip that was unravelling in 2 different spots!!!!!!!!

:gah: :gah: :gah: :gah: :gah: :gah: :gah:
I like to go to Starbucks and announce to everyone how BAD Starbucks coffee is. I know everyone else at Starbucks likes the coffee and thinks it's actually GOOD, but truly, they're wrong, they just don't know it.

Very funny. If ever someone does this I truly hope I'm there!
At the end of the day... and I know... dead horse.... but man.. what a freaking dream it would be to have Trevor's sculpting topped with HT paint apps... yeah... I'd be in for a handful of that head loose... we can dream can't we ?!? HT TOD Indy maybe :) (which would rock if it were a DX with tuxedo included.... sigh
Sorry, I posted those pics not to start a yays vs. nays session (I really like the HT sculpt, as I have said) but due to dsokyra's posts below, which I felt were insulting to one of the best - if not the best - 1/6 sculptors working today, Trevor Grove, who it should be pointed out, is present on these boards. If you have any doubt, look no further than his 2 Marty McFlys.

I also felt it was insulting to collectors and hard-core Indy fans who have for the past three years worked with his sculpts on some incredible customs (I'm not one of them - I have not even begun my Indy, so have no dog in this fight.)

dsokyra posted some nice pics, but then started down a road that not only praised the HT sculpt, but tried to then do it by belittling the SSC one, simply because others were not convinced about the superiority of the HT one. I understand that a huge financial investment has been made in buying the figure, but the belittling tone was uncool.

Anyway, Billy Ray - re: the SSC INdy sculpt, the hair was the most tweaked obviously, but the proto is actually quite close to the released product (though yes, superior.) Note that these two heads are also at slightly different angles.


Yes, I know...:offtopic:

Now back to HT Indy...

This is so hilarious. There are at least 5 or 6 different threads on this site, with different sculptors doing various takes on Harrison Ford. Each one contains at least one comment to the effect of "this is the best HF I have ever seen". Who is right? I guess it depends on your own personal taste. Don't feel to sorry for any artist that gets critisized for their work. The professional ones are used to it and can handle it just fine. They may not like it, but they know it goes with the territory.
Sorry, I posted those pics not to start a yays vs. nays session (I really like the HT sculpt, as I have said) but due to dsokyra's posts below, which I felt were insulting to one of the best - if not the best - 1/6 sculptors working today, Trevor Grove, who it should be pointed out, is present on these boards. If you have any doubt, look no further than his 2 Marty McFlys.

I also felt it was insulting to collectors and hard-core Indy fans who have for the past three years worked with his sculpts on some incredible customs (I'm not one of them - I have not even begun my Indy, so have no dog in this fight.)

dsokyra posted some nice pics, but then started down a road that not only praised the HT sculpt, but tried to then do it by belittling the SSC one, simply because others were not convinced about the superiority of the HT one. I understand that a huge financial investment has been made in buying the figure, but the belittling tone was uncool.

Anyway, Billy Ray - re: the SSC INdy sculpt, the hair was the most tweaked obviously, but the proto is actually quite close to the released product (though yes, superior.) Note that these two heads are also at slightly different angles.


Yes, I know...:offtopic:

Now back to HT Indy...

or this (no disrespect to Kuzeh): makes me NOT want to order it! Seeing the HT figure side by side with actual Raiders and HF pictures only highlights how off the sculpt is.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, I personally think it looks kick-ass and the best Indiana Jones figure released so far...

It's true... If those attempts were made to show how much the sculpt looks like him it failed. It's clear as day how off the sculpt is.

That's your opinion!

Face it guys, those on the fence swaying. You know you like Indiana Jones and Hot Toys. you WANT to like this. you're TRYING to but the truth is that the sculpt is just not that good. It's not a little off. most HT heads are. This is WAY off.

Don't convince yourself you like it just because it's there and you need a fix for your toy addiction. there are lots of great things to spend your money on. Wait until they release their second Indiana Jones which is inevitable.

Why not let people decide by themselves?... If somebody is liking it better due to the pics, why do YOU care if they buy it or not?
Besides, this might be a one off just like the POTA figures... or Hellboy...since they got the license from Sideshow

They just assume you are going to buy this so why re-work the sculpt? Show them they have to work for your money.

We don't have to show HT nothing... buy it if you like, don't if you don't like... simple as that...
I've passed on dozens of HT figures because I don't like them... and purchased both obscure and popular ones because I like them...
that's it!
Assuming HT is being lazy with this release is pretty ignorant to be honest. I'm sure they've put as much or even more work on it than their average release. I agree, there is room for improvement, but to me, this figure kicks ass, and some of the latest pictures show that TO ME...
just let people be, at this point the whining won't change anything!
Figure is out, buy it or not!
Anyway, Billy Ray - re: the SSC INdy sculpt, the hair was the most tweaked obviously, but the proto is actually quite close to the released product (though yes, superior.) Note that these two heads are also at slightly different angles.


Yes, I know...:offtopic:

Now back to HT Indy...

Could have sworn I just saw a second, mirror image of this pic in your post...

Anyway, to me, even in this pic, the production head looks fatter in the cheeks. I don't know, maybe it's just me.

Either way, I'm not trying to further the SS vs HT or Trevor vs Arnie battle. I was just offering up a little constructive reasoning as to why som people are not happy with the SS sculpt. I think Trevor's work is awesome, and the proto sculpt is fabulous. I like all of his other work as well. I'm just trying to say that, people shouldn't diss Trevor, but that something happened along the way in the journey from proto to production, not paint related, that kind of deformed his original sculpt.
This is so hilarious. There are at least 5 or 6 different threads on this site, with different sculptors doing various takes on Harrison Ford. Each one contains at least one comment to the effect of "this is the best HF I have ever seen". Who is right? I guess it depends on your own personal taste.

Wrong. The answer is Trevor Grove. Pay no attention to my signature.
You know, this being my first experience with PERS, I have to admit that it creeps me out just a little when I see his eyes move
At the end of the day... and I know... dead horse.... but man.. what a freaking dream it would be to have Trevor's sculpting topped with HT paint apps... yeah... I'd be in for a handful of that head loose... we can dream can't we ?!? HT TOD Indy maybe :) (which would rock if it were a DX with tuxedo included.... sigh

Sorry, I posted those pics not to start a yays vs. nays session (I really like the HT sculpt, as I have said) but due to dsokyra's posts below, which I felt were insulting to one of the best - if not the best - 1/6 sculptors working today, Trevor Grove, who it should be pointed out, is present on these boards. If you have any doubt, look no further than his 2 Marty McFlys.

I also felt it was insulting to collectors and hard-core Indy fans who have for the past three years worked with his sculpts on some incredible customs (I'm not one of them - I have not even begun my Indy, so have no dog in this fight.)

dsokyra posted some nice pics, but then started down a road that not only praised the HT sculpt, but tried to then do it by belittling the SSC one, simply because others were not convinced about the superiority of the HT one. I understand that a huge financial investment has been made in buying the figure, but the belittling tone was uncool.

Anyway, Billy Ray - re: the SSC INdy sculpt, the hair was the most tweaked obviously, but the proto is actually quite close to the released product (though yes, superior.) Note that these two heads are also at slightly different angles.


Yes, I know...:offtopic:

Now back to HT Indy...

I don't know if you have been here's since the first HT indiana jones pic was revealed or not... They shut down the other original thread because of trolling. The trolling started because people stated right from the BEGINING without really seeing a solid pic of this new HT sculpt that it was terrible and a shame and an abomination. They also threw the SS sculpt in everyone's face saying that it was the KING of ALL sculpts. Every second line was "it's no SS head sculpt".

So that is why I believe dsokyra said wait he said. I don't believe he ment any disrespect to any one here. Also probably Making an honest observation considering he is one of the few that actually has BOTH HS right now.

:goodpost: Can I say that?
It's true. Some actually did use the term "abomination" to describe the Hot Toys Indy. If you go back and read these threads you'll see that the hyperbole has been decidedly one-sided. That's the whole point. The issue isn't people disagreeing... it's HOW they do it. Tactless communication never works no matter what your opinion is.