HT DX05 - Indiana Jones - in-hand images

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Looks to be at least on par with Wolverine to me, maybe better. And in time I think it will be appreciated similarly - excellent figure of the character even if the likeness isn't 100%. Especially debatable since people seem to find different aspects of Ford's likeness more recognizable. The Medicom sculpt that constantly gets slammed was applauded by Trevor Grove.

I'll know for sure on Tuesday when I see it for myself. :impatient:

Until then, this thread is entertaining like the lunch room used to be. :lol:panic::nana::hi5::slap:cuckoo::exactly::thwak
Honestly I am really on the fence about maybe going ahead and getting this after all. I've been completely against this figure since the beginning, but seeing the in-hand pics is swaying me.

But when I see something like this (no disrespect to swsqueakquels):

or this (no disrespect to Kuzeh): makes me NOT want to order it! Seeing the HT figure side by side with actual Raiders and HF pictures only highlights how off the sculpt is.

I was the same way until ClipperKing's vid review and Craze's pics. Side by side with screen grabs it's terribly off to me too but as a stand alone figure it's fairly nice. Not the best 1:6 Ford sculpt at all but an overall cool figure. I'm also hoping I'll be happier with him on the shelf than looking at most of the pics in this thread.

You should order him, Lu, and sell him later if you don't like it still.
I like to go to Starbucks and announce to everyone how BAD Starbucks coffee is. I know everyone else at Starbucks likes the coffee and thinks it's actually GOOD, but truly, they're wrong, they just don't know it.

:hi5: Amen, brother! Kindred spirits, we are! I love to go over to m...

Oh wait. You're joking, aren't you? :mad: :pfft:

i'm dead serious and perhaps more than you know....

since having a few DX myself.


and many top notch figures from HT


also those that claims bad.....
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I was the same way until ClipperKing's vid review and Craze's pics. Side by side with screen grabs it's terribly off to me too but as a stand alone figure it's fairly nice. Not the best 1:6 Ford sculpt at all but an overall cool figure. I'm also hoping I'll be happier with him on the shelf than looking at most of the pics in this thread.

You should order him, Lu, and sell him later if you don't like it still.

A very reasonable suggestion, Cocoboloboy.
These HT Indy threads are so surreal. I swear there's a Tower of Babel effect where suddenly some people are posting in different languages. :lol

Indy'a next quest needs to be for the Rosetta Stone. :p
These HT Indy threads are so surreal. I swear there's a Tower of Babel effect where suddenly some people are posting in different languages.

Cap was released perhaps their journey will lead them to that thread :lol

Love it, like it or lump it, I will have mine next week and I cannot wait. It will be an amazing stand alone figure IMO.

People keep posting images of Trevor's sculpt, as he sculpted it. The honest truth is, I think that this sculpt is amazing and probably closer than Hot Toys. The unfortunate reality is, this is not what we got from SS. Shoddy paint apps aside, the seperate neck takes alot away and give him a bobble head appearance. Even with a fantastic repaint, it still looks way off from Trevor's original sculpt. The cheeks look fatter, the forehead bigger...I don't know what happened in the manufacturing process, but it certainly doesn't look as nice as the original sculpt. Look at the pics of the prototype (like on the cover of Tomarts). Paint apps aside, it doens't look anything like the final product.

Also, for the record, and no offense to OMG, who is a fantastic photgrapher, my HT Indy looks nothing like his pics. Not sure what is going on there, but it almost looks like a completely different figure. Great photos, don't get me wrong, but not really indicative of the figure in hand.
I like to go to Starbucks and announce to everyone how BAD Starbucks coffee is. I know everyone else at Starbucks likes the coffee and thinks it's actually GOOD, but truly, they're wrong, they just don't know it.

I think Starbucks is overpriced and people sometimes just drink it and say they like it because they just spend 5X than at any other place.And sometimes it doesnt even look like regualr coffee.. :wink1:
I will say that everyone here has been posting some really nice photos. It is a nice-looking figure, all things considered. Plus I had a reality check when I saw Medicom's attempt at Harrison from Cowboys and Aliens. Yikes on that likeness, and for the same price as the HT figure and far less offered in accessories.
One thing I forgot to mention yesterday, that I was not happy with, is that the belt keeper on Indy's gun belt broke off. Not sure how or why, I put the belt on him and everything was fine, then I stood him up and it just fell off. Not sure how it was attached, if it was just glued or what. Pretty sure I can fix it, but pretty annoying. I may just try to fashion a metal keeper instead, to make it more accurate.
People keep posting images of Trevor's sculpt, as he sculpted it. The honest truth is, I think that this sculpt is amazing and probably closer than Hot Toys. The unfortunate reality is, this is not what we got from SS. Shoddy paint apps aside, the seperate neck takes alot away and give him a bobble head appearance. Even with a fantastic repaint, it still looks way off from Trevor's original sculpt. The cheeks look fatter, the forehead bigger...I don't know what happened in the manufacturing process, but it certainly doesn't look as nice as the original sculpt. Look at the pics of the prototype (like on the cover of Tomarts). Paint apps aside, it doens't look anything like the final product.

:exactly: Compare HT and SS released product or compare Arnie's and Trevor's unfinished sculpt. I agree with BR that SS finished product was very poor and doesn't accurately reflect the artist sculpture. Therefore, what point is being made comparing one versus the other?

People keep posting images of Trevor's sculpt, as he sculpted it. The honest truth is, I think that this sculpt is amazing and probably closer than Hot Toys. The unfortunate reality is, this is not what we got from SS. Shoddy paint apps aside, the seperate neck takes alot away and give him a bobble head appearance. Even with a fantastic repaint, it still looks way off from Trevor's original sculpt. The cheeks look fatter, the forehead bigger...I don't know what happened in the manufacturing process, but it certainly doesn't look as nice as the original sculpt. Look at the pics of the prototype (like on the cover of Tomarts). Paint apps aside, it doens't look anything like the final product.

The moral of the story is... Hot Toys should have or should in the future either outright commission Trevor Grove to sculpt Indiana Jones, or negotiate with Sideshow to use their sculpt as a base.

Obviously HT is the king in terms of paint aps and production quality but they have to face the fact that their boy Arnie Kim couldn't get the job done.

Also anyone else bugged at how damn TINY the head is? it's Tiny.

The new Bruce Wayne head is also tiny and IMO a huge step down from the prototype. I'm wondering we may have seen HT's peak... Price hikes and quality drops... I'm worried they might be self destructing.
The moral of the story is... Hot Toys should have or should in the future either outright commission Trevor Grove to sculpt Indiana Jones, or negotiate with Sideshow to use their sculpt as a base.

Obviously HT is the king in terms of paint aps and production quality but they have to face the fact that their boy Arnie Kim couldn't get the job done.

Also anyone else bugged at how damn TINY the head is? it's Tiny.

The new Bruce Wayne head is also tiny and IMO a huge step down from the prototype. I'm wondering we may have seen HT's peak... Price hikes and quality drops... I'm worried they might be self destructing.

What is this thing that HT seem to have with undersized heads? I mean I'd have thought given the bulk of the clothes you'd want slightly oversized head to compensate rather then undersized.