I've decided to get myself Mfisher's rig and whip to try on this figure. Should bring it a lil bit closer to perfection for me.
few more hours, Fedex has it held for me to pickup after work.....
I almost feel like I deserve this figure more because I put up with this and the other locked indy thread for so long. I gotta say that the things said by ppl and the scrutiny these figures go under makes me ashamed to be a collector or a member of this forum.
Anyways, in a way I'm happy about everyone being so unhappy, makes indy cheaper, and more readily available.
Uh...wait a minute, ouch...
OK, good, yes? Wait, are we happy?
The moral of the story is... Hot Toys should have or should in the future either outright commission Trevor Grove to sculpt Indiana Jones, or negotiate with Sideshow to use their sculpt as a base.
Obviously HT is the king in terms of paint aps and production quality but they have to face the fact that their boy Arnie Kim couldn't get the job done.
Also anyone else bugged at how damn TINY the head is? it's Tiny.
The new Bruce Wayne head is also tiny and IMO a huge step down from the prototype. I'm wondering we may have seen HT's peak... Price hikes and quality drops... I'm worried they might be self destructing.
Like Woody Allen says: I'd never be part of a club that would have me as a member.
I thought that was Groucho Marx?
Question for those Guys who have their Indy already , would the extra fedora that came with the SS Indy fit onto the Hot Toys head ? ( Assuming that you have the SS Indy that is )
Please, I for one would appreciate knowing what you think once you get this in hand. We keep hearing photo don't do it justice. Want your opinion on that, thanks.
I like to go to Starbucks and announce to everyone how BAD Starbucks coffee is. I know everyone else at Starbucks likes the coffee and thinks it's actually GOOD, but truly, they're wrong, they just don't know it.