HT DX05 - Indiana Jones - in-hand images

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It indeed looks great! :hi5:


Now THAT is 100% pure Ford! :clap
The SSC one has a sculpted floor (and more floor,) but neither HT nor SSC's is very screen accurate when compared to shots from the film.

Im not too concerned about the screen accuracy than I am of the over all presentaion of the chamber/figure display. And the quality of the base, paint/sculpture etc.
You know, I never really got into the Indiana jones movies, they were just THERE! I Loved Star Wars and I have yet to see a Han Solo that is even slightly close. Having said that, I do love Hot Toys figures, however, and this to me captures the Indiana jones I remember. Not the studied OMG has to be EXACT Indie, but the Indiana I remember from all those years ago. Now when HT do a new Han Solo I might get my knickers in a twist like so many of the people on this thread, but for me...this is perfect!
You know, I never really got into the Indiana jones movies, they were just THERE! I Loved Star Wars and I have yet to see a Han Solo that is even slightly close. Having said that, I do love Hot Toys figures, however, and this to me captures the Indiana jones I remember. Not the studied OMG has to be EXACT Indie, but the Indiana I remember from all those years ago. Now when HT do a new Han Solo I might get my knickers in a twist like so many of the people on this thread, but for me...this is perfect!

Sometimes it's nice to be a casual fan and not get stressed over zipper teeth and shirt buttons. :goodpost:
...and where is it OFFICIAL there are two heads made on Indy- they are ALL the same head in different photo me PROOF HT made two sculpts, umtil then I'm tired of these ramblings "you got a bad one- you got a good one"...
I think you got one with the big jaw sculpt. Nice pictures though. Are you going to end up keeping this one or letting HT know so you can get a new one?, thanks, and no. Nothing wrong with his jaw at all.
This must be selling well. Sideshow now has it listed with an item statis of "backorder" on their website and a 4th Quarter ship date.
Not two differnt sculpted heads but maybe a production flaw that caused a difference in the final product. Not unheard of. Somebody posted a side by side of the sculpts that loooked a bit different a while back.
Not two differnt sculpted heads but maybe a production flaw that caused a difference in the final product. Not unheard of. Somebody posted a side by side of the sculpts that loooked a bit different a while back.

I think it's more like 2 or more different cameras combined with a dozen or more different angles...
...and where is it OFFICIAL there are two heads made on Indy- they are ALL the same head in different photo me PROOF HT made two sculpts, umtil then I'm tired of these ramblings "you got a bad one- you got a good one"...


I saw two different scullpts myself. Fastreet also saw more than two different ones and he took the picture above along with a dozen other from different angles so you can't say it is a photoshop or lens distortion. He can attest to it and so can I. Most people have not seen more than one side by side and that is why you are not hearing more comparisons of head sculpts since pictures and lens distortion also makes it hard to compare shot to shot. If people love their slightly larger jawed sculpt and want to keep it, that is fine with me. However there may be some others that would want a replacement. If when you get your Indy and open it up, if the sculpt looks a bit off, then take a picture, send the pic to Hot Toys QC and they will send you a replacement. So no harm done, you should all get a good sculpt from HT and settle for nothing less.
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Are people seeing the "flawed" sculpts from the Sideshow batches or are these only prevalent from the Asia initial release?
I think you got one with the big jaw sculpt. Nice pictures though. Are you going to end up keeping this one or letting HT know so you can get a new one?

That's cold, man. Telling someone he's got the 'bad' sculpt, then using that as leverage to try and get him to contact HT about the issue.

Rather than badger people here, you should start your own thread called "Petition HT on Wide Jaw Indy sculpt" or something and see if you can get genuine support for this issue.
Are people seeing the "flawed" sculpts from the Sideshow batches or are these only prevalent from the Asia initial release?

It's too early to tell. Furthermore most people receiving these in the mail from Sideshow (unless they are buying two) will have nothing to compare it to other than pictures which we all know can have lens distortion affecting the way they look. I'm betting most people will not know what to look for without seeing multiples side by side in person as Fastreet did.

That's cold, man. Telling someone he's got the 'bad' sculpt, then using that as leverage to try and get him to contact HT about the issue.

Rather than badger people here, you should start your own thread called "Petition HT on Bad Sculpt Indy" or something and see if you can get genuine support for this issue.

He already said he likes his sculpt and he sees nothing wrong. You're right Wor-Gar, I wasn't thinking before I posted. I apologize if my post was taken the wrong way. I've deleted the message and will not point out any flaws in peoples sculpts on this forum as it can be taken the wrong way. Sorry again Billy Ray. I'm glad you are happy with your figure, that is how all of us should be when we get this.
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Ummm. Yeah. The angle. It's different. But whatever man. I'm so tired of seeing those same pics. You're right, there are two sculpts. :horse

There are a dozen more pictures of those two that clearly show two distinct sculpts. I only posted one since it is not necessary to flood this board with those pics again. My guess is Hot Toys is not going to acknowledge this but will honor replacements if people are concerned with theirs. That is a good trade-off.
There is NO different sculpt based on the one comparison picture- the "bad" head is at a different angle- closer to the lens causing a notable distortion.....there is NO evidence of another sculpt based on that one picture- all the other in hand pics are different pictures at different angles

So every "off" pic owner is going to ask for a replacement head....HUH?????

Guess what...HT's answer will be to this if you guys fill in the blank!