HT DX05 - Indiana Jones - in-hand images

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I notice Indy's on BACKORDER at Sideshow's site. Not bad for a figure the 'vast majority' were panning. Just more evidence that this forum's opinion is not indicative of the hobby as a whole.

Have you seen the FB posts??? Its not only being panned here. And a backordered status from SSt isnt going to change the fact that even those that purchased the fig find the sculpt faulty.
By the way faststreets ... are you pretty happy with your figure now or still iffy on it? I know you have those cool customs and was wondering your thoughts now after being in posseion of it for a few days.

Honestly, for the money, for all of things that come with him, this figure is an amazing deal. Yes, I prefer Trevor's Harrison scuplt's, but I put $1,000. into my Sideshow Indy to "make him screen accurate". This figure out of the box is 80% there. In it's best form (meaning non-big head version), he looks good (Harrison like) at the correct angles. Arnie's Christopher Reeve Superman is his masterpiece, not a single bad angle. This sculpt does work at certain angles.

My hope is that Hot Toys at least comes out with an alternate scuplt with Raiders accurate Hat. I would be happy to pay for that.

But, just for a moment, let's talk about what they got right:

Jacket: 100% Raiders accurate

Shirt & Pants: Very well done

Alden's: Best available

Map Room Gear: Awesome

Idol pedestal: I prefer Hot Toys to Sideshow's.

I don't really care about packaging, but yes, the packaging is nice.

My overall view: A must have for any Indy fan. If you get a big headed one (trust me, you'll know when you see it), I guess return to Hot Toys and get another one.
Honestly, for the money, for all of things that come with him, this figure is an amazing deal. Yes, I prefer Trevor's Harrison scuplt's, but I put $1,000. into my Sideshow Indy to "make him screen accurate". This figure out of the box is 80% there. In it's best form (meaning non-big head version), he looks good (Harrison like) at the correct angles. Arnie's Christopher Reeve Superman is his masterpiece, not a single bad angle. This sculpt does work at certain angles.

My hope is that Hot Toys at least comes out with an alternate scuplt with Raiders accurate Hat. I would be happy to pay for that.

But, just for a moment, let's talk about what they got right:

Jacket: 100% Raiders accurate

Shirt & Pants: Very well done

Alden's: Best available

Map Room Gear: Awesome

Idol pedestal: I prefer Hot Toys to Sideshow's.

I don't really care about packaging, but yes, the packaging is nice.

My overall view: A must have for any Indy fan. If you get a big headed one (trust me, you'll know when you see it), I guess return to Hot Toys and get another one.

Great advice. :clap:clap 80% accurate isn't enough for me, however I can understand those that will be willing to spend a quarter of a grand on 80%. I'm just not one of them. I would have bought it though if the sculpt was 95% accurate and the clothing was 75% accurate though since to me the sculpt is more important than the accessories.

Have you seen the FB posts??? Its not only being panned here. And a backordered status from SSt isnt going to change the fact that even those that purchased the fig find the sculpt faulty.

I do hope that Hot Toys listens to its customers feedback which is ranging from very high praise for the sculpt to much lower expectations from people that have it in hand. At the very least, they can work on getting their next sculpt done at a higher likability rate so it looks excellent from all angles as the Reeve sculpt and others they have made does.
faststreets, what is wrong with the current HT fedora? Color or something more? I seem to recall you mentioned a pinch?




Hot Toys

I would say it's closer to Temple of Doom, but it's better than the Sideshow one
If anyone is not happy with this figure, I am willing to trade my unopened Hot Toys Batman Begins/Bruce Wayne Toyfair Exclusive for it. Just tossing that out there. Send me a message if interested:panic:
Thats the one thing that confuses me, if arnie kim is such a big indy fan wouldnt he have paid more attenyion to the style of the hat? Does look more Lc or tod to me
I think he went for a generic look to the hat. The figure could be used for any of the other movies,as the costume is basically the same . I doubt that we'll see another to be honest.
faststreets, what is wrong with the current HT fedora? _Color or something more? _I seem to recall you mentioned a pinch?

Pause the film, look at stills, the Raiders Fedora has a tight pinch down the front. Otherwise the hat is pretty much perfect (of course it needs some weathering).

Do you think the jacket will have any issues with longevity being vinyl? _

All we are is dust in the wind. Everything breaks down eventually, even leather. The real question with this jacket is how will it hold up to a weathering process? The sleeves need a slight stretching, but be careful not to stretch the shoulder or the shoulder seem hanging length (the way it hangs over the shoulders), because that is perfect.

And not sure if you addressed this earlier, but do you like the whip?

Honestly, this is Indy, so, no, not really. It is an easy upgrade to get one from Mike Fisher. The whip that comes with it is closest to the Well of the Souls whip. Of course if your nuts, like me, you can spend $300. USD getting actual working 1/6 scale color accurate whips hand made by Joe Strain.

I read Superman's comments as well. I agree with him on some points, but Indy has so many components, Hot Toys did a really good job here. Look at how much you get for the money. Could it have been better, sure. Will I ever make anything better than the creative team at Hot Toys, no. It is not their fault if a factory screwed up one of the four molds (a guess) that they had going for the head casts._

I wish these guys would do a Cobb from "Inception".
I prefer Trevor's Harrison scuplt's, but I put $1,000. into my Sideshow Indy to "make him screen accurate". This figure out of the box is 80% there.

$1000 on a figure. :cuckoo: j/k

All said and done, everything is subjective and relative to the individual purchasing the product. I'll spend $240 for "80%" screen accurate and be quite content...:)
$1000 on a figure. :cuckoo: j/k

All said and done, everything is subjective and relative to the individual purchasing the product. I'll spend $240 for "80%" screen accurate and be quite content...:)

I spent more than that upgrading the Raiders PF. But then again, I am nuts.
Thats my thinking as well. And IMO its more than 80%. But lets not get into all that again. :lol

Really? I honestly think the only screen accurate things are: his pistols, pants, shirt, boots, black socks. That's more like 50% there, it looks like Indy that's unmistakable, but all of the accesories aren't very accurate. NO DISRESPECT.
Pants? The hem is totally wrong. Look at the pants on screen, there is a 4" hem on them. JUST KIDDING (though they do have a larger hem). Imo the pics posted look way better than what was shown before. There are some shots where he is dead on Indy and some just his stunt double, but unless they do a scan of Harrison's head from the mid 80's it will be hard to get it perfect.

Yes, faststreet has spent alot of $$ on his customs but he has the best set of all.
The jacket on mine is so damn tight, I feel like it would tear if i try to remove it, do you have any tips man?

If your careful and patient on removing it I don't think you will tear it. Remove the hands first and and position the arms straight and back a little bit behind him, then slowly roll it off the shoulders and down of the arms... that should work when your done reverse your steps to put it back on.