HT DX05 - Indiana Jones - in-hand images

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:) I wish. I got a few tricks, but this one I picked up on in the T-800 thread where it was used to tighten the collar all the way around Arnold's neck. But I figured you could use the same trick to also hold collar tabs down or position them how you like.

I also used the trick on my T-800 back when I got it... Maybe Wor-Gar was behind that one has well???
There is NO different sculpt based on the one comparison picture- the "bad" head is at a different angle- closer to the lens causing a notable distortion.....there is NO evidence of another sculpt based on that one picture- all the other in hand pics are different pictures at different angles

So every "off" pic owner is going to ask for a replacement head....HUH?????

What he said. :exactly:
Personally, I think that there are 17 different sculpts and one magic golden sculpt...but that's just me. :)

It's gona become like a golden ticket thing. I fear the idea that I may get a 'lemon' sculpt. True or not, there is going to be differences, and an OCD group like us will scrutinize things to death in the hunt for flaws.

You're right Wor-Gar, I wasn't thinking before I posted. I apologize if my post was taken the wrong way. I've deleted the message and will not point out any flaws in peoples sculpts on this forum as it can be taken the wrong way. Sorry again Billy Ray. I'm glad you are happy with your figure, that is how all of us should be when we get this.

No probem, just don't want to get into a thing where people start telling others that they have a 'bad' sculpt or a 'good' sculpt. We all can see what they got when they post.
There is NO different sculpt based on the one comparison picture- the "bad" head is at a different angle- closer to the lens causing a notable distortion.....there is NO evidence of another sculpt based on that one picture- all the other in hand pics are different pictures at different angles

So every "off" pic owner is going to ask for a replacement head....HUH?????

Guess what...HT's answer will be to this if you guys fill in the blank!

I already said I didn't want to post more than one picture of the two sculpts. You acknowledge you have only seen the one I just posted correct? Would you admit you are wrong if I show you the rest?
Come on guys, the reason he keeps post the same photos over and over is because he just wants you to .....................

All the head sculpts being parted out and sold on the "bay" from Asia look pretty similar to me on the auction photos so I dunno if there is a problem or not or if it would be located to only one part of the globe. All the pics by members here look good to me as far as the sculpts go.
Personally, I think that there are 17 different sculpts and one magic golden sculpt...but that's just me. :)

No wait- if you have a bad pic- get a replacement- so there must be 124 bad sculpts out there- PICKET HT NOW!!!!!!:rotfl
I also used the trick on my T-800 back when I got it... Maybe Wor-Gar was behind that one has well???

No, no, someone else came up with the paperclip trick for the T-800, I don't know who or I'd give credit where credit's due. I just thought it might be useful here on Indy because of the crazy collars. And you tried it and it worked well I think. Definitely gonna give it a go myself.

Pictures by Dad Bates from
There is NO different sculpt based on the one comparison picture- the "bad" head is at a different angle- closer to the lens causing a notable distortion.....there is NO evidence of another sculpt based on that one picture- all the other in hand pics are different pictures at different angles

So every "off" pic owner is going to ask for a replacement head....HUH?????

Guess what...HT's answer will be to this if you guys fill in the blank!

...stick fingers in ears. Close eyes and go.. Blahblahblahablah..
If you can't see the differences in the sculpts your should have your driving license taken away from you.
...stick fingers in ears. Close eyes and go.. Blahblahblahablah..
If you can't see the differences in the sculpts your should have your driving license taken away from you.

If you CAN see the differences in the sculpts your should have your driving license taken away from you.
I get mine from Sideshow on Weds and I get the one I ordered from Cornerstorecomics on Thurs...This is going to be a long next few days!! :gah:

TWO!!!? Two? Gluttonous.

But twice the fun...twice the adventure!

Now you know you're gonna have to photograph those two sculpts side by side, right? Just to see.
I may pick up another one, this figure is amazing, the craftsmanship is top notch. Those on the fence, hop on this before it's too late!