I posted this in the official Predator 1 thread. Not sure if this is what Kapital is talking about, but this is the only problem I have with the HT P1 sculpt:
Hot Toys Predator
My Mod (Photo Manipulation)
Which imo makes it look better + more accurate:
Predator (Movie)
Which is fine, the only problem is: The Elder Pred from "Predator 2" was a modified P1. So other than minor differences (Extra bone trophies, different color scheme on the body/dreads, etc.) the Elder and P1 are the same, because it's the same suit. Just like ALL the Lost Hunters look like P2 with minor differences. Just like ALL the AVP predators look like Scar with minor differences. With 2 Predator movies and 2 AVP movies, there's essentially 4 original movie Predator designs: P1, P2, Scar and Wolf. That's it. Every other Predator seen throughout those 4 movies are derived from those 4 original Predators.
Again, if you don't mind certain differences that's cool, but some people do.