HT P1, The Ultimate Predator?

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Thinking about stoping 1/6 collecting. Seems every time I buy something , another one better comes out. :lol

Right there with ya. eBaying my existing stuff is sounding more and more the right call. This hobby has grown bigger than I could have dreamed, and now it's just a wallet raping monster. I miss the good old $40 figure days, when everything was totally awesome. Now everything is way better than back then, but for some reason it has found a way to totally suck.
Right there with ya. eBaying my existing stuff is sounding more and more the right call. This hobby has grown bigger than I could have dreamed, and now it's just a wallet raping monster. I miss the good old $40 figure days, when everything was totally awesome. Now everything is way better than that, but for some reason it sucks.

exactly how I feel. Its just too much money. I can't milit myself because even when I do something better comes out in the lines I'm limited too and its very hard to not want the best you can get , ecspecially when other people on forums are enjoying the newer stuff. :lol
One thing thats great about sideshow over othr companies is that they don't really seem to rerelease stuff thats very close to being the same thing. Statue and figue wise.

At least movie wise anyway , maybe its different with marvel and comic stuff.

Hot toys seem to be getting into a trend of making it where they will release something then a few months later make a better one.
Wheter its the sculpt on the bank robber making you want to buy it to put on the v1. Or its the fact they then make a whole new v1 with an extra headsculpt making you feel a sucker for buying the original and bank robber. :monkey1:lol All in the space of a few months too. It would be cool if you could afford to keep up .. but.... if you can't , not so cool.

With the new DX line it seems its going to carry on too. I think there rushing things a little...
We can see they are learning as they go because things just get better, but we are paying for their research and development. Catch 22 I guess, but it's becoming less enjoyable to see what's next because there is no quarantee of satisfaction with anything you buy now. It's either going to look like crap soon by comparison, or it's going to break or rott. You may not get the ulitmate looking figure from Sideshow, but at least you don't get all the negatives, and they are still slightly cheaper. I think all of Sideshow's other scale stuff isn't as good as it should be though either. prices go higher for 1/4 scales, but final products aren't even as fine looking as Hot Toys 1/6 stuff.
First, thanks for the input guys...
I'm still debating...
Also, I like the DX Joker, i think it's a great figure, but why do people need to post it in every ^^^^ing thread??....
Seriously!! Can't we have a thread without Joker groupies hijacking it??...
Ughh!!! :lol:lol
Focus people:gun:



Also, I like the DX Joker, i think it's a great figure, but why do people need to post it in every ^^^^ing thread??....
Seriously!! Can't we have a thread without Joker groupies hijacking it??...

Can't wait for the DX version. You know those ^^^^s at HT will do it, too.
I think HT will only make MMS DX out of iconic human figs played by big stars like The Joker/Heath Ledger...the kind of iconic characters/actors that warrant and have "earned" the super-status of DX.

Having said that I wouldnt be surprised if they did Arnold in some form if they get the license to do him for Terminator 2 or Rambo or Capt Jack but not the USCM.
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dx releases should only be done for figures where the original sculpts were not very accurate or too generic looking!-all alien marines,prison break,v1 joker,rambo etc.
Deluxe Prison Break???? Who care sabout some TV show? The DX treatment IMO should be given to iconic characters played by big stars like The Joker/Heath Ledger, James Dean and Godfather/Brando...the kind of iconic characters/actors that warrant and have "earned" the gold-status of DX.