My guess is if there was a back story, that Billy held a higher rank and was busted down to private for some reason. Perhaps that regardless of being a Private, his tracking skills were unique, that Dutch could not find another suitable person for the unit. Also, Mac was only a Sergeant which is also not very high up in the military chain. So I'd assume Billy may also have been at that rank level before hand. Also, considering the other guys were clean cut, and Billy was long haired might suggest he was not on active duty and just called in for that specific job.
Then again, most of the guys when they stepped off DA CHOPPA in the beggining of the film had different attire, so maybe they had civilian jobs and just called in at short notice - wasn't Mac wearing a business suit? (Blain must've been working as an MTV Roadie) ..which might say they were on-call Mercs for the military. Who really knows lol ..but it is fun to speculate