i need to get this one to add to the collection, but doesnt look that great, does anybody know if there going to be making another one? also what is the word on others that were in the movie?
That shirt looks SWEET ! What did you make it out of?
Not sure if this was the exact same shirt but I got it from Monket Depot for not much at all:
Yeah, I thought that link was the wrong one. I don't think they do the shirt I've got on my Billy...it's definately USA though cos it has the stars and stripes on his right shoulder (see pics).Camo pattern is wrong there bud. You guys need woodland, not British DPM.
Yeah, I thought that link was the wrong one. I don't think they do the shirt I've got on my Billy...it's definately USA though cos it has the stars and stripes on his right shoulder (see pics).