Yeah, those clips had me beaming nostalgically.

I'd totally forgotten about Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors. I used to really like Around the World with Willy Fog, too (no laughing please); I was only about six years-old when it last aired and it actually fuelled my imagination.
But, I agree, TV now is mostly appalling; the kids' shows in particular are woefully crap.
I remember Willy Fog on BBC1, I just can't get over how I don't even remember the intro anymore...
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The end credits were even better with Rankin Bass. That electric guitar. \o/
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Surely some must remember these...
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I used to watch She-Ra when I was a kid. God knows why I liked it. I tried watching two episodes on Netflix recently and it was awful.
Yeah, to some degree back then I liked how it was a little darker/more fantasy with Hordak?
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Several years back when some friends started talking about old cartoons I decided to Youtube them, it's funny how your memories think of them so much better. Yet when you see them now everything just looks so terrible cheesy. It somewhat kills the memories you once had. :/
I guess it proves some things are just meant to be left in memories. Even Thundercats and Inspector Gadget I always thought was somewhat dark with Mum-Ra/Dr. Claw. It's just not the same seeing them anymore compared to what you remember.
I hear a lot of 80's songs being retreaded today.
It never gets old.
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