IconiQ Studios - Silent Hill 2 - 1/6 Pyramid Head & Bubble Head Nurse Collectible Figure

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I finished the remake yesterday, just like the original it sticks with you. There's slight variations here and there, some work others not so much but I really appreciate how this remake takes a meta approach and doesn't really replace the original it instead plays into all the fan theories out there, specifically the loop one, one of the secret endings is also hilariously recreated in a very clever way.

The combat is very enjoyable to me, much better than running around whacking creatures over the head with a plank. Several portions of the game are also better realized in the remake, Eddie's boss fight probably being the best example.

I was also pleasantly surprised when I realized Luke Roberts, Woodes Rogers from Black Sails was playing James, he did a phenomenal job.

The only issue I had with this was the annoying traversal stutter due to Unreal Engine 5, definitely sucks that a lot of studios are abandoning their inhouse engines for one that is plagued by this issue.
I like the idea of the combat, but if they were gonna add more of it, I would have appreciated more enemy types or less monsters in general. By the Prison, other than the Spider Mannequins, you’d already beaten dozen of these enemies and they lose their spark.

So much was faithfully recreated and visually it’s so impressive. Cutscenes feel more natural and acted, and have actual camera work and style now, even if some of the voice changes aren’t as good (Eddie, Laura, and James are a delight, while Angela struggles occasionally but still sticks the important scenes. I’m not sure how I feel about Maria. She’s more flirty and personable, but she sort of loses the edge the original had.)

I think I rank it a little below RE4make but still a very very solid effort. 8/10.

I like the idea of the combat, but if they were gonna add more of it, I would have appreciated more enemy types or less monsters in general. By the Prison, other than the Spider Mannequins, you’d already beaten dozen of these enemies and they lose their spark.

So much was faithfully recreated and visually it’s so impressive. Cutscenes feel more natural and acted, and have actual camera work and style now, even if some of the voice changes aren’t as good (Eddie, Laura, and James are a delight, while Angela struggles occasionally but still sticks the important scenes. I’m not sure how I feel about Maria. She’s more flirty and personable, but she sort of loses the edge the original had.)

I think I rank it a little below RE4make but still a very very solid effort. 8/10.

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Unpopular opinion but I definitely preferred the Silent Hill 2 remake over the RE4 remake. RE4 remake deviated too much for me, a lot of cutscenes were worse, iconic and cheesy dialogue was replaced by forgettable lines and some areas of the game are just underdeveloped, poorly recreated and lacking in style compared to the original. The combat and gameplay is the best thing about it in my opinion, and Luis.

Silent Hill 2 remake however doesn't have the intention of replacing the original, instead it builds upon it, by playing into the loop fan theory among others. There are a few moments when the characters have a sense of déjà vu, it's a very meta and clever way of acknowledging the fact that a lot of people who played the original are feeling the same way.

The story remains as strong and impactful as ever, sure there's changes but it didn't really take anything away from the experience for me. The only thing I have a problem with is how some of the dialogue was delivered, especially Angela like you mentioned, but at the end of the day these are completely different actors putting their own spin on the same dialogue that was written over 20 years ago but man it still hits. A new ending in particular really pulls at the heart strings, and it simply builds upon the original material.

I also don't get some of the criticism people have about the combat or enemies, every game gets repetitive in that aspect, even the ones people consider masterpieces, this was no different in that aspect. Thankfully the combat is engaging enough to not wear thin with some surprises thrown in like the mannequins climbing walls.

Speaking of combat, I'm personally glad they didn't try to add in new enemies which would ruin the 9 delusions symbolism, or god forbid, remove some. Instead they took the better approach and made them more of a challenge for the player which I appreciate.

But that's just me, I like my remakes to be as faithful as possible. Bloober's remake toes the line between old and new with the necessary amount of respect, admiration and devotion to the original, bringing a new generation not a replacement for the original but a love letter to it.
You’re very much right. And I appreciate the combat is a million times better than it was in the original. I think the over the shoulder angle made me yearn for RE4 more, which is a disservice to the game.

For a first playthrough, for sure, it’s great. The panic of getting swarmed or the dread as you count the last couple of bullets you have left was palpable. Plus I haven’t felt this visceral joy stomping on enemies since Dead Space.

Mannequins in general turned into my favorite enemy, after being entirely fodder in the original. Watching them saunter off into the dark, knowing it’s just playing games with me. Nurses too. The Jacob’s ladder twitch added to their animations was such a great choice.

But I was glad I got the chainsaw so I could just mow down enemies in NG+ for all the new endings.

I’m really sad for all the faithfulness, they didn’t bring back the great knife fully. But I imagine modders will add that and weird blaster thing later. We already got nude mods for James and Pyramid Bae lol.