Am I the only one here who enjoys For a Few Dollars More the most out of the trilogy?
Good luck batfan! I have a couple of figures I've been thinking about moving, but as far as selling them to finance this buy, I've left it too late I think. I hope you find a buyer for your DXs - once this awesomeness is sold out it'll head into RM price territory on the after market I suspect - if anyone ever lets theirs go that is.
Wow, this is shaping up to be real nice so far
Cant wait for the full figure pic
Yeah guys, there's no shame in not having watched this film before. . .ah, who am I kidding. That's inexcusable. You should both wear the cone of shame for a week.
This is one grail figure I can't afford. I hate everyone who will be buying this because they have more money than me and will soon have a dolly on their shelf that I won't have on mine. They are probably better looking and much nicer than me too. Bastards.
Denny is actually leaning towards offering painted regular sculpts (still unconfirmed), but no unpainted for sure.
Is that because of all the recasting going on recently?
Pretty's kind of a no-win scenario I think, but it's one step they're taking to try to offer some sort "protection" against the pandemic.
It sucks for people like myself who enjoy painting sculpts (and saving a little cash by buying unpainted), but I understand if that's the reason why unpainted heads will not be offered.
Does a painted sculpt really stop recasters? I can't help but think if they really want to do it, they will, painted or unpainted
I don't think it will really, particularly the one primary recaster on eBay (Q) that has been causing folks headaches. I see this more as an economic move, that Iminime can reap more profits by not selling the unpainted head. But maybe that isn't the rationale. Their prices for painted heads are very reasonable for what you get IMO, just like Rainman's Aeon painted heads are.
It doesn't totally stop them. It only makes it $60 more difficult but it seems to work to some degree