InArt: 1/6 Superman (Cavill)

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I tried informing the “influencers” and Riley would reach out to me if I had anything to say regarding certain releases, but who knows if the guy ever reached out to Jon/INART. Riley does seem to care about accuracy, but I’ve noticed he only does when it’s things he’s interested in. WillFoxification repeatedly told me that no one really cares for the costume details and his buddy, KeCo Collects would mock me (and a few others) who provided critical feedback. Other channels like Mr. Mom Collectibles or members on the Jedi Night’s Watch panel would go on emotional rants about my criticisms of the Superman suit and other figures on their pages. I’m sorry, but none of the guys on YouTube (people with some level of outreach given the platforms they have) have our back in supporting wanting more accuracy related to certain details.

Edit: and good luck trying to reach the big YouTubers: Justin’s Collections, Jedha Patrol, and DeanKnight, which is why I hoped WillFoxification and Riley Reviews would assist with the alley-oop. Hell, even KeCo Collects has connections to INART.
My suggestion to reach out to influencers with feedback regarding accuracy was sarcasm.

That’s my point, InArt cares so much about these influencers, yet these influencers do not care about us. If these influencers can’t even act as a middle man for us, of what use are they other than bragging about new product playing show and tell?

They don’t care that you’re still waiting for Batman, they don’t care if your copy arrived damaged and you had to go through a lengthy process to get it straightened out.

All that matters is that InArt sends them a new figure to review before everyone else.
You won’t hear a negative word from any of them unless they stop getting early product on time for their channel.

They wouldn’t speak so fondly of InArt if the last figure they reviewed was the Batman back in May.
Why speak out when keeping your mouth shut grants you new releases that are possibly free of charge? Just know they’re in the companies pocket and focus less on what a review says, and more on what it shows.

We have eyes, someone doesn’t have to mention QC issues for them to be apparent. Watching reviews on mute is the best way to decide if you like something, if it’s good enough, everything you need. Turning the volume on is just going to make you fight your initial opinions in favor of theirs.
My suggestion to reach out to influencers with feedback regarding accuracy was sarcasm.

That’s my point, InArt cares so much about these influencers, yet these influencers do not care about us. If these influencers can’t even act as a middle man for us, of what use are they other than bragging about new product playing show and tell?

They don’t care that you’re still waiting for Batman, they don’t care if your copy arrived damaged and you had to go through a lengthy process to get it straightened out.

All that matters is that InArt sends them a new figure to review before everyone else.
You won’t hear a negative word from any of them unless they stop getting early product on time for their channel.

They wouldn’t speak so fondly of InArt if the last figure they reviewed was the Batman back in May.
Why speak out when keeping your mouth shut grants you new releases that are possibly free of charge? Just know they’re in the companies pocket and focus less on what a review says, and more on what it shows. We have eyes, someone doesn’t have to mention QC issues for them to be apparent. Watching reviews on mute is the best way to decide if you like something, if it’s good enough, everything you need. Turning the volume on is just going to make you fight your initial opinions in favor of theirs.
Sarcasm or not, what I said still stands. Regardless of these Influencers’ own personal interest invested in this company and the arrangements they may have, they’d still be able to create some level of change if they were more receptive to things from others.

But to your point as to whom are they really “influencing”? – this is where we will agree to disagree, but imo, the whole basic point of them receiving and making video reviews of INART releases is to ideally promote future growth and exposure for the company, to benefit INART. I guess you see solely as “bragging and playing show and tell.”

There’s various components to this, but what I was talking about before is a separate point, something I thought would’ve added to the discussion.
WillFox told you that nobody cares about costume details or accuracy? Why we are complaining here then. We complain bc we love the character/actor and we wanted the best figure possible. And it was promised to us. Some ppl have higher standards than others. I don't know what these youtubers smoke but I watch them time to time and I have a feel they aren't actually passionate enough and do all these stuff bc of attention and ''recognition''. Bc no passionate collector would ignore all the issues this figure has. I'm in a few collecting community and they are full of posers.
Yeah, plenty of times.

I also agree they’re not super passionate about the source material and sometimes I feel they’re just in it for clout and for the camaraderie which is fine, but at least acknowledge other types of collectors and those whom are more privy to certain details and want more accuracy. It’d literally be a win-win for everyone lol
I was actually going to say if they went with seamless arms under the body almost similar to how threezero did with their Rambo body (used on their snake eyes and Strom shadow and witcher figures) that way the arms wouldn't get to much bunching and have a seamless look.
that wouldn't work out too well due to the nature of how soft the seamless arms are. You wouldn't get the definition coming through the suit. This why Rovanic applies shading on top of the spandez suits when he uses the Phicen/TBLeague bodies. The musculature just doesn't come through well enough and for this character (and Batfleck), you need the muscles to be seen and seen well. Also, they'd most likley have to forgo the chrome and go with the silver/chrome paint instead. Regular chrome would most likely crack and flake off