InArt Phoenix Joker 1/6

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My thoughts exactly. @Kit Chen any idea how this affects pre-orders? Has InArt said any guidance on this pricing revelation and how they are mitigating it for people who already POd?
not much impact to my preorders, I got just a few cancellation

I think Inart people are now busy at SDCC

They should focus on producing good figure and improve QC instead of reacting to HT's follow
Kit is praying he doesn’t have to deal with mass cancellations or transfers of NRDs to a single red suit figure if InArt try to make that possible.
I’d be open to taking someone’s order for the 2-pack Deluxe through OneSixthKit. I’m prepared to lose my NRD through Spec Fiction, should’ve never ordered through them, and that’s on me.
I'm now glad I didn't jump on the two pack. If InArt does decide to do a single Joker they can very well release it under Joker 2 since he wears the suit in that film also.
“Interviewer” when describing KeCo Collects 🤣

Which reminds me, if I were those guys, I’d ask John better questions. These guys repeat the same questions to John every time, and John responds back with the same old common sense. Seems like Will and Keco don’t get it, which in turn doesn’t do the rest of the audience any favors.
Is there a video of him asking these “questions” 🤣
Ha, well, at the very least, it sounds like only an extreme minority of collectors will own the bathroom Joker.
That’s something, right?…
During the time of its release, there was also those riots that was happening throughout the nation. The BLM and covid lockdown riots.
I'm sure that played into it too and they didn't want to be seen like theyre promoting violence, especially during that very sensitive time period

Yes, The Joker came along during all of this but it's easy, or all too convenient, to forget that it was also during a time when we were deep into the radicalized political climate of the Trump era with a loud and weaponized fringe Right monologue at the forefront of the public stage. Regardless of what political side one chooses, it can't be ignored that this was a very stormy and uneasy period for the world, along with COVID, BLM, MeToo and other movements adding and countering to the collective dialogue. There really was a lot of difficult but necessary, productive but divisive, tempermental discourse raging, of which COVID was also a political one. But let's not forget what the pervasive political climate was 3 years deep at the time and bearing heavy upon everyone.

I don't remember any concerns or criticisms of The Joker inciting violence. I'm sure there would have been, due to the subject matter, but it was a minor charge of a red flag that really never added to any weight against the film. The subject of mental health and its depiction in the film, along with Phoenix's performance, were more at the forefront of how The Joker was being recognized. Remember, The Joker screened at the Toronto International Film Festival and was met with a standing ovation and huge accolades. The film went from being a prospective genre fan film (DC/comic/superhero) to practical art-house status with the massive highbrow critical endorsement it got at TIFF. That was the golden ticket stroke absolving The Joker from most negative criticism. I always thought it was telling how The Joker was one of DC's least merchandised of films - there were virtually no action figures, blankets, mugs, apparel or Burger King toys to support the film. No, The Joker was DC's art-house offering, so it was given thick treads to journey along deep and unsettling topics and discussions.
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The one result I hope happens from HT version is bringing down the price of the ultimate “only people from Dubai can afford” all in-**** you poor hobo’s-premium edition.

Clocking in at juuuuust under 2K was…well it was a bit too thick for my blood. And I wanted all 4 figures 😫

So I had to settle for the “well maybe next time, poor man” deluxe edition. If they can revise the prices…I’ll definitely ask Kit to alter my PO!

And of course I hope IA can offer a single figure edition as well.
The one result I hope happens from HT version is bringing down the price of the ultimate “only people from Dubai can afford” all in-**** you poor hobo’s-premium edition.

Clocking in at juuuuust under 2K was…well it was a bit too thick for my blood. And I wanted all 4 figures 😫

So I had to settle for the “well maybe next time, poor man” deluxe edition. If they can revise the prices…I’ll definitely ask Kit to alter my PO!

And of course I hope IA can offer a single figure edition as well.
Idk man, but the price off OSK for the 4-pack was great price-to-value, imo. INART did good when it came to offering as much value for the price, imo.

If they offer a single-pack, I’m cancelling my order with Spec and prepared to eat that $200 NRD. I’d rather spend $700 all-in vs the full price.
Idk man, but the price off OSK for the 4-pack was great price-to-value, imo. INART did good when it came to offering as much value for the price, imo.

If they offer a single-pack, I’m cancelling my order with Spec and prepared to eat that $200 NRD. I’d rather spend $700 all-in vs the full price.

Darn it, I truly don’t remember how much the 4 pack was. Wasn’t it around $1700 USD?

You’re not wrong about the price to value…but…i typically buy 2 of everything. One to display, one to collect. The price on the 4 pack, whilst I do remember trying to convince myself of the great value…deep down I couldn’t forgive myself for spending THAT much 🤣🤣🤣🥲🥲🥲😭😭😭😭
I get the feeling lots of regrets when that Inart joker comes out. Sad how healthy competition rattling so many cages sideshow/HT blocking competitors with basic/subpar products they had no interest in ever doing or re-issuing until they saw companies like inart and Jazzinc do this better. This is why I will support Jazzinc and companies like Inart first because they deliver and you get what you pay for 😉
I get the feeling lots of regrets when that Inart joker comes out. Sad how healthy competition rattling so many cages sideshow/HT blocking competitors with basic/subpar products they had no interest in ever doing or re-issuing until they saw companies like inart and Jazzinc do this better. This is why I will support Jazzinc and companies like Inart first because they deliver and you get what you pay for 😉
Well said. It's the principle of it
Inart first because they deliver and you get what you pay for 😉
I’ll use my friends pic, hope he has no issue. This is not delivering. He paid $1k for that set.

Uh.. that looks great to me. It’s not the figure’s fault that the lighting is horrendous and washing it out.
That’s a moducase, what most who purchase expensive 1:6 will choose to display in, therefore how it’ll look nine times.

Look at the hair, that’s not good, at all, good luck futzing that.

The stitch work on the black blazer is sloppy at best, the coat has no depth to the black, looks washed out, the material is cheap. Compared with the Kilmer Batman next to it, it looks third party.