InArt - The Batman 1/6th Figure

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I heard about that as well, if they made silicon 1:6 that would be interesting and would make them stand out, but that would be difficult to pull off.

Pretty sure Kojun already did it with Al Pacino


I'm not 100% it's silicone, but the fact that there's a skull beneath it and the head can be manipulated, I'm sure it's a silicone/plastic hybrid. This was before JND, so he's got experience in it.

Note the same amount of texturing that the 1/3 silicone has on JND pieces. Also the quite flat and flush paint makes me think it's silicone also. Arthur Fleck was similar in a more orange tone, wasn't really until Bale in my opinion (although I don't own Harley, Mera or Catwoman) they perfected different tones in the skin (silicone supposedly being extremely difficult to paint on).

The JND 1/6 will be more expensive than Inart for sure. It'll be interesting to see how many people will step-up their price budget for something like that, with seamless joints that can be manipulated, glass eyes etc.
I think its because the commission was probably worth what they paid compared to what people paid for the JND. Then again, beauty is in the eye of the beholder so if folks like the JND, then that's fine. Personally, for me, I think its a waste given the price they're asking for it

To be fair, 1/3 mixed media statues run around $1500, for $500 more getting better proportions, silicone head and hands, glass eyes and punctured hair isn't really that much more in the grand scheme of things, especially due to the realism that brings.

After 8 releases I'm sure people would be avoiding JND if they were bad at that price.

"I think its because the commission was probably worth what they paid compared to what people paid for the JND"

That argument really can be upscaled or downscaled to suit anyones thought on what something is worth.
Well guys is it really true that JND is stepping into 1/6 figure making as well? Was this hinted or announced by them?
Yeah I was actually wondering which other "big company" was gonna start making 1/6 scale figures, even John from inArt mentioned that in an interview a long time ago and said this year the market will be really competitive. But yet no one has stepped in lol
Maybe so. But let’s be honest, you still spent a comparatively exorbitant amount commissioning that custom to which many would ask the same question you’re asking of those who ordered the JND, which is “How are people dropping that amount of money on this?” which is the point I was making.

I just find the double standard quite humorous :lol

But it’s not double standards, it’s subjective opinion.

I bought that Batman custom because I loved it.

I’m positing the notion of why someone would spend so much money on the JND Bruce Wayne because it looks awful, to me.

It’s pointless to suffix every comment with ‘in my opinion’ because unless it’s actual fact, which it rarely is on this site, it is just that.

You seem to be taking it rather personally unless I’m misreading your posts.

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same reason any one of us drops the money we do on these collectibles: b/c they/we like something enough to want to own it :dunno

How many times have we seen on this very board where many ppl have admittedly purchased something they don't even think is up to par by any stretch but they still purchase b/c they want to own the item enough in spite of its short comings? HT Doc Ock, Kate Bishop and ASM2/NWH Spidey 2.0 are recent ones let alone the countless other previous releases.

I mean, lets be fair, there was that custom fully suited The Batman figure that cost a lot of money (more than the InArt and HT if I remember correctly) that ppl willingly spent the money on it and is no where near the quality of the InArt, HT or JND based on pics and the review Justin did on it long ago that he bought from another collector. One could easily argue how are/were ppl dropping that amount of money on the custom given that it didn't even look like it was worth the cost? Not to mention the limited accessories, off likeness and not even a swap out Wayne sculpt in that cost. Ppl were mostly paying for the artist(s) involved and that it was a “limited” custom. The person who sold it to Justin couldn’t sell it fast enough the moment the HT was announced as I think the InArt wasn’t revealed yet.
🙋 Me...on that Kate Bishop
But it’s not double standards, it’s subjective opinion.

I bought that Batman custom because I loved it.

I’m positing the notion of why someone would spend so much money on the JND Bruce Wayne because it looks awful, to me.

It’s pointless to suffix every comment with ‘in my opinion’ because unless it’s actual fact, which it rarely is on this site, it is just that.

You seem to be taking it rather personally unless I’m misreading your posts.

Not at all taking it personal. I do think you were misreading my posts, at least in tone. Sounds as though my original point maybe just didn’t come across well enough or the fact that I mentioned that custom as an example in my argument detracted from the intent and point I was looking to make.

I was initially just answering the question you proposed in your original post with the the point that ppl spend crazy amounts on anything they deem worthy enough to own in this hobby in spite of there short comings with examples of other such occasions. I've done it and I'm sure you have as well whether that's an official figure or custom. So, the question of "how are ppl spending money on this?" was pretty silly to me, especially coming from someone like yourself who has been in the custom figure game for many years and spent exorbitant amounts on those customs where ppl would more than likely ask the same question of you. The question lacked a little self-awareness which is why I found it humorous. Maybe it was rhetorical and I took it as a literal question to answer 🤔

I didn't know you were the one who commissioned that custom when I used it as an example by the way, but it is kind of funny to me that it worked out that way :LOL: I wasn't tying to call you out on it. However, since you only replied to that part about the custom Batman figure rather than anything else in the post, the conversation morphed from there as that became the next focal point rather than remaining an example being used as part of an overall answer to the original question itself. Since it was your custom though, I can see why you decided to focus in on that rather anything else. That wasn’t intentional though. ✌🏼
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I was going to say maybe on batman day they will give a production update. But these are the same pictures they showed months ago Im confused
Cool I thought I had seen these before and couldn’t figure out what was new :lol

I’m still indifferent about the Wayne sculpt on this, but Batman undeniably looks great.
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I really regret not preordering this. I thought I would be happy with hot toys, and I still am, but after getting Joker I know this will turn out amazing. Hopefully someone hates this and cancels their order from Kit so I can get it 😁