InArt - The Batman 1/6th Figure

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View attachment 716334
Couple of quick shots. He's fantastic but there's room for improvement as Cap'n has shown. These were a couple of photos where the HS DIDN'T come out looking elongated and weird. PS. Cape sucks

It’s really hard to photograph the sculpt well isn’t it bud? Finding it difficult to display how great it is in hand.
Don't know if it's a me issue, but I was watching Dean's review and he brought it up.

Is it a problem with the Velcro? Not sure what causes it.

But yeah, mine don't stick very well at all. You can flick'em right off. Makes it difficult to get them futzed properly. I'll need to use something to keep them flush and secure.
One of the all-time greats even though it has some flaws.

Looks incredible in Dean's review, both the cowl and Bruce Wayne sculpt.

Easy to use a different base so it's just the cape that really bothers me. Tempted to get the OSK cape even if it's not itself very accurate. Anything that drapes nicely has to be better than the stock cape.
Don't know if it's a me issue, but I was watching Dean's review and he brought it up.

Is it a problem with the Velcro? Not sure what causes it.

But yeah, mine don't stick very well at all. You can flick'em right off. Makes it difficult to get them futzed properly. I'll need to use something to keep them flush and secure.

No Velcro on the top of the shoulder/armour unfortunately. HT did that right.

Did Riley get a free sample to review? If so it's insane they wouldn't give one to Dean.

Imo, only Jedha Patrol and Justin’s Collection should get it, but Riley and Will have connections with INART. Who knows how they all met but I believe Riley met John back at the Vegas 10/2022 event. Sometimes it’s more about who you know.

Dean has 40k subs vs Will’s 10k, but Will has a larger overall platform given how his channel is set up, imo. Dean should’ve definitely been given a “sample” as well, but do we know for a fact that Will and Riley got free copies and not discounted? If I were Dean, I would’ve set aside the ego and agreed to INART, it would’ve still done lots of good for the community imo, cause he provides the best look at the figure. And idk, but who does he think he is? Lol. Can’t purchase a figure like the rest of us peasants?
Imo, only Jedha Patrol and Justin’s Collection should get it, but Riley and Will have connections with INART. Who knows how they all met but I believe Riley met John back at the Vegas 10/2022 event. Sometimes it’s more about who you know.

Dean has 40k subs vs Will’s 10k, but Will has a larger overall platform given how his channel is set up, imo. Dean should’ve definitely been given a “sample” as well, but do we know for a fact that Will and Riley got free copies and not discounted? If I were Dean, I would’ve set aside the ego and agreed to INART, it would’ve still done lots of good for the community imo, cause he provides the best look at the figure. And idk, but who does he think he is? Lol. Can’t purchase a figure like the rest of us peasants?

certain social media personalities & their effin egos ****** me off.

Not all, but there are some that are convinced the number of followers equates to their importance. And if they don’t get free things, they won’t cover it. For instance there’s a dude I followed on X that covers SNK games. Tunshi studios Ukyo had just released and I asked him if he’s gonna do a video about the figure. And he said “i reached out to Tunshi if they wanted to send a figure to me to review. They declined. So probably not”.

I unfollowed. Like…GTFOutta here with that. Who the hell do they think they are??

I’ll say it again: these influencer batches accomplish ****. The ONLY time this strategy works is when Justin, a YTer with a significant following, shows off the prototype right before the preorders open, exactly like he did with Joker, Gandalf and The Batman. THAT is how you get your brand awareness out there.

What they’re doing now MAKES NO SENSE other than to boost egos.

No one can PO this anymore. Give me ONE online shop that still has PO’s open for The Batman and I’ll shut the hell up. TWL and their other totally-legit-not-scams-at-all-sister-sites do NOT count.

Here’s an example of what InArt *THINKS* they’re doing…but not stupid and ACTUALLY worked the way intended:

Deanknight and a few other YTers put up their review of Rocky.

Slystalloneshop made it clear this figure is shipping at the end of Aug.

Similar to InArt right? Almost a month and half before the general public aka peasants, gets it right?

Well guess what? Rocky is still available to PO! And I just submitted my PO yesterday BECAUSE of DK’s video!
Wow, InArt…what a concept right?? Early reviews for a product someone on the fence can STILL order. Amazing right???

I’ve seen the one argument for IA’s strategy repeated as a way to justify it and it’s to generate interest in the NEXT figure.

Sorry, I don’t buy that. I fail to see how 2-3 MONTH ADVANCE EARLY REVIEWS can generate interest in Harry Potter, Ron Weasly and Hermoine Grainger. It just does not work that way and it’s time InArt realizes this.

I’d LOVE to interview Jon and press him on this matter. I won’t be rude of course, but I want to express my disdain for this and to forward a message to IA HQ…get rid of your marketing team and hire competent people.
I submitted my The Batman review to InArt’s official FB page. They never approved it. I wonder why? Surely it can’t be due to how I criticized their ******** influencer batch?…
certain social media personalities & their effin egos ****** me off.

Not all, but there are some that are convinced the number of followers equates to their importance. And if they don’t get free things, they won’t cover it. For instance there’s a dude I followed on X that covers SNK games. Tunshi studios Ukyo had just released and I asked him if he’s gonna do a video about the figure. And he said “i reached out to Tunshi if they wanted to send a figure to me to review. They declined. So probably not”.

I unfollowed. Like…GTFOutta here with that. Who the hell do they think they are??

I’ll say it again: these influencer batches accomplish ****. The ONLY time this strategy works is when Justin, a YTer with a significant following, shows off the prototype right before the preorders open, exactly like he did with Joker, Gandalf and The Batman. THAT is how you get your brand awareness out there.

What they’re doing now MAKES NO SENSE other than to boost egos.

No one can PO this anymore. Give me ONE online shop that still has PO’s open for The Batman and I’ll shut the hell up. TWL and their other totally-legit-not-scams-at-all-sister-sites do NOT count.

Here’s an example of what InArt *THINKS* they’re doing…but not stupid and ACTUALLY worked the way intended:

Deanknight and a few other YTers put up their review of Rocky.

Slystalloneshop made it clear this figure is shipping at the end of Aug.

Similar to InArt right? Almost a month and half before the general public aka peasants, gets it right?

Well guess what? Rocky is still available to PO! And I just submitted my PO yesterday BECAUSE of DK’s video!
Wow, InArt…what a concept right?? Early reviews for a product someone on the fence can STILL order. Amazing right???

I’ve seen the one argument for IA’s strategy repeated as a way to justify it and it’s to generate interest in the NEXT figure.

Sorry, I don’t buy that. I fail to see how 2-3 MONTH ADVANCE EARLY REVIEWS can generate interest in Harry Potter, Ron Weasly and Hermoine Grainger. It just does not work that way and it’s time InArt realizes this.

I’d LOVE to interview Jon and press him on this matter. I won’t be rude of course, but I want to express my disdain for this and to forward a message to IA HQ…get rid of your marketing team and hire competent people.
I submitted my The Batman review to InArt’s official FB page. They never approved it. I wonder why? Surely it can’t be due to how I criticized their ******** influencer batch?…

I respectfully disagree. While I don't like the influencer batch any more than the next collector and you are right that they should do reviews while pre-orders are still open, the influencer batch does make sense from a business perspective.

The influencer reviews get people talking about the product and the brand which not only increases brand awareness, but also raises aftermarket prices once the figure is available, making the product appear more exclusive and premium. Then, when people get their pre-orders a couple of months later, the same thing happens all over again, more buzz, more potential for new eyes on the brand. Not to mention that, believe it or not, more people will have their eyes open for the next preorder. Also, if people get the figure as the same time as influencers they won't be watching as many reviews, meaning less chances of the brand making waves on social media.

And if you don't believe me, just look at this forum's activity when the influencer batch dropped and now that people are getting the figure. It has popped both times, instead of just once if it all dropped at the same time.

There are plenty more reasons why the influencer batch makes sense. They KNOW us collectors DO NOT LIKE IT, but they still do it because it works and it benefits them. It sucks for us, but from a business perspective it makes tons of sense.
I respectfully disagree. While I don't like the influencer batch any more than the next collector and you are right that they should do reviews while pre-orders are still open, the influencer batch does make sense from a business perspective.

The influencer reviews get people talking about the product and the brand which not only increases brand awareness, but also raises aftermarket prices once the figure is available, making the product appear more exclusive and premium. Then, when people get their pre-orders a couple of months later, the same thing happens all over again, more buzz, more potential for new eyes on the brand. Not to mention that, believe it or not, more people will have their eyes open for the next preorder. Also, if people get the figure as the same time as influencers they won't be watching as many reviews, meaning less chances of the brand making waves on social media.

And if you don't believe me, just look at this forum's activity when the influencer batch dropped and now that people are getting the figure. It has popped both times, instead of just once if it all dropped at the same time.

There are plenty more reasons why the influencer batch makes sense. They KNOW us collectors DO NOT LIKE IT, but they still do it because it works and it benefits them. It sucks for us, but from a business perspective it makes tons of sense.

I was going to whip up my thoughts on the “influencer batch” but you summed it up perfectly.

I’ll just add but the only people who don’t like this are the current collectors. New people who come across these videos (I’d hope) would be mentally mature not to be upset or curse at the company when they’d realize that the product isn’t even licensed in their region or sold out. But what’d it do? Well, now they know the product exists and if they NEED IT, they’d have to do some extra research on how to obtain it and purchase it aftermarket, and they’d have to decide for themselves if they want it at that premium. But INART’s goal is met: this person knows about the brand now and now they know not to miss the next release they’d be potentially interested in.

I feel like the only people who have an issue with it stems out of envy or misplaced anger on behalf of others.