InArt: The Lord of the Rings - Aragorn 1:6

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^if you're going to self medicate with sex, by all means, just be smart about it.

Goes without saying, an accidental kid isn't going to help anything, nor will any STD that haunts you.

Have fun but be smart. Easy to forget these things when you're focused on other things.

Sincerely, a healthcare provider who has to explain "what that thing is".

**Also to play devil's advocate; know your boundaries. You sound in tune to emotions and that's not a bad thing, but it can make dining and dashing real tough if you catch feelings easily.
In regards to that specifically, I don't like when that has happened to me. I won't do it to someone else. It would haunt me. For better or worse, I have a conscience, and yes, I feel. When I screw up, hurt someone else, I feel bad about it. I try my best to own my ****. I want to make things right, even if I'm not the only one who has done "wrong".
‘Smashing’ as much as possible is a good way to severely hamper your ability to pair-bond, thus reducing likelihood of successful long term relationships on the future. This applies to men and women even though we (big manly men) like to pretend we’re immune and are build to spread our seed indiscriminately.

When relationships are the greatest cause of anguish in life, abandoning them for self gratifying hedonism might not seem so bad, but there are less detrimental ways to get a quick dopamine and ego boost that don’t also contribute to the socially destructive impact of hookup culture.

@Giimli86 nice bench press btw. You must be very dangerous over short distances.

Praying for you for what it’s worth. I know for myself something that has helped is focusing on things that are under my control and recognizing things that are not and finding ways to “let go” of what I cannot control (other people’s opinions of me are big ones that I cannot control. I can control my actions but not how they decide to interpret them). It’s different from not caring because I still care but it is freeing in the sense of not holding yourself responsible for something that you have no control over. I have to remind myself of this all of the time. Another thing I am constantly working on is focusing on prioritizing problems and tasks. Sometimes when we look at everything at once it is completely overwhelming but if you break it down and focus on the most important critical things you can start to tread water and then swim instead of feeling like you are drowning. Also cling to hope. There are people out there that do care. You may not notice them right now but they are out there. Cling to hope, have faith and until you find those people in person keep reaching out especially on here because it sure looks like a lot of us here do care about you.

@Giimli86 Definitely impressive lifting numbers! The real Gimli would be pretty darn proud and impressed. Working out and training definitely has helped me throughout the years as a daily detox to the stresses and pains of life.
One of the things that does worry me is wondering about that feeling of alone-ness, combined with deep feelings of loneliness. Is that something that will ever go away? The quality/duration of life when I feel that longing but always apart from it. That fear of getting hurt, rejected, etc. Being safe in opening up, trusting. Forming a bond and not having to worry about losing that person.

It definitely concerns me. I ask myself if I will ever be able to get close to someone again or is hurt just inevitable? Is a life still fulfilling if you have no one to share it with? I don't think I'll ever have a family of my own.

I don't have answers to any of these questions. I still ask them.
I'm a big fan of Craig Ferguson. It saddened me when he went off air, because when I was in college (and even after graduating), I'd stay up until 1:30 in the morning to watch him on The Late Late Show and still make it to a 7:30 class. Oh, to have that energy again.

I read his book that came out in what must have been 2008 or 2009, American on Purpose. He detailed a lot about his career and his journey to becoming an American citizen. Part of that journey was his addiction to drugs and alcohol, and his eventual contemplating of suicide over getting to those extreme lows and feeling hopeless.

I think my favorite excerpt from that book, and something that still sticks with me to this day, was that when he realized he needed help and had to get clean, he was scared of taking those steps. But, he eventually realized that "fear is simply god's way of saying 'pay attention, this is going to be interesting'". I'm not a religious person, but I appreciate the idea there. Like I said, it's stuck with me.

Life is a scary thing. But, to Craig's point. That's what makes it interesting. Things had been pretty good for me for a while. In 2019 a lot of that changed. I tore my ACL/MCL/meniscus playing hockey, which set off quite the chain of events. Two nights before my surgery to reconstruct my knee, my wife got pregnant. She didn't want to tell me until I was further along with rehab because it was grueling early on. She never made it far enough to tell me, she had a miscarriage about two months in. Late that year, my job was offering a company wide severance package for people to leave and they could restructure. I had to make that decision in November, and I accepted to my wife and I could use the money to take a little vacation to get her mind off how all that stuff played out earlier. Unfortunately my separation date was June 2020 - right when no one was hiring because of the pandemic. And, because of the pandemic, my wife had a mental breakdown from being alone with her thoughts and had to go to the hospital for two weeks - which led to her family to try and blame me for it and even going so far as trying to get power of attorney over her to make her medical decisions over me. That rift continues with them to this day.

Eventually we decided to sell our townhouse in 2022 to take advantage of the seller's market, and just find somewhere new to start fresh. We ended up moving in with my parents until August 2023 - a full year - because we kept getting out bid on houses. That alone brought it's only challenges and mental struggles. After years of things going wrong one after another, I started thinking about a way out myself. I knew who I wanted to give my things to, where I would do it, etc. But I never did it because I didn't want to leave my wife alone.

Now, I have a wonderful house in a beautiful part of my state, an incredible new puppy and I have some great people in my life that I'm thankful for. As scared as I was along the way that I'd never feel happy again, it all worked out. I learned a lot about myself and my resiliency over those years, and I'm grateful to have what I have now.

What you're feeling won't last. Unfortunately, there's no way of knowing when you won't feel that way any more, but it does get better. There's so many examples of it. You still have things to do and people to meet. Stay in the gym, stay hydrated, make sure you get some sun every day, and sleep well. You'll get through this. The gym is an incredible release to make sure those toxins get out of your system.

Keep your head up - and you can always talk to us here. Just know, even if it's virtual, you're not alone.
‘Smashing’ as much as possible is a good way to severely hamper your ability to pair-bond, thus reducing likelihood of successful long term relationships on the future. This applies to men and women even though we (big manly men) like to pretend we’re immune and are build to spread our seed indiscriminately.

When relationships are the greatest cause of anguish in life, abandoning them for self gratifying hedonism might not seem so bad, but there are less detrimental ways to get a quick dopamine and ego boost that don’t also contribute to the socially destructive impact of hookup culture.

@Giimli86 nice bench press btw. You must be very dangerous over short distances.
As I wrote: Getting laid with lots of girls up until a certain point gives satisfaction and boosts your ego then it becomes almost like you dont really enjoy any of it at all after years of doing it.

So yeah I learned that through experience.

One of the things that does worry me is wondering about that feeling of alone-ness, combined with deep feelings of loneliness. Is that something that will ever go away? The quality/duration of life when I feel that longing but always apart from it. That fear of getting hurt, rejected, etc. Being safe in opening up, trusting. Forming a bond and not having to worry about losing that person.

It definitely concerns me. I ask myself if I will ever be able to get close to someone again or is hurt just inevitable? Is a life still fulfilling if you have no one to share it with? I don't think I'll ever have a family of my own.

I don't have answers to any of these questions. I still ask them.
Being alone for me never really was an issue as I find myself to be able to enjoy both being with people and being alone. I would describe myself as an ambivert.

Fear of getting hurt and rejected etc. is always gonna be there with any and all human encounters. That doesnt really change I think. Loss is part of life, its always there.

But you can look at it like this, you form a bond/start something with someone then it ends but then you get up and do it all over again, its just the normal cyclical part of life as life and death itself or as the seasons always keep changing.

I trust not easily, for me it was always the "I have to see what one has to say and how that person acts for a time to decide whether I trust someone or dont".
There are those who give trust and you can lose that trust and there are those where you have to build up trust first, I fall into the latter category I guess.

I always considered myself really darn good at reading and analyzing people so there is not so much loss or fear or betrayal factor for me there.

In my opinion hurt is part of life as well so it can happen but not neccessarily will happen with the next person you meet.

No one has a definitive answer to these questions, we just have our own experiences and deductions from those.
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Thanks @RandomHero thank you for sharing that. I often wonder how many other people think about "it". You know, THAT "it". I'll be at the gym, or anywhere really, and wonder to myself, "What does 'suicidal' look like? Imagine if anyone here realized that the guy on the bench next to you, the guy who's at the gym every day, like clockwork, and what that guy is thinking about. And would his absence even register or be noticed?".

I think about that alot.

@Giimli86 I think it was Anthony Bourdain who once said, "trust is easily given. Easily lost. And almost impossible to get back ". Rest in peace. Another one. I feel for that guy. Still. I get it.
I often wonder how many other people think about "it". You know, THAT "it". I'll be at the gym, or anywhere really, and wonder to myself, "What does 'suicidal' look like? Imagine if anyone here realized that the guy on the bench next to you, the guy who's at the gym every day, like clockwork, and what that guy is thinking about. And would his absence even register or be noticed?".
What you said reminded me of this.
My advice is to get help.

The last ten years of my life have been hellish with health problems, an over bearing boss, loosing a child, loosing a father in law and finally a divorce which is still dragging out across six years.

I now have a therapist, multiple medications and am doing much much better than I ever was. It is still hard and painful but I push through. This hobby helps and even my therapist has said as long as it is not all consuming and I’m budgeting carefully it’s perfectly healthy (lol). There were dark periods where I would sit on the toilet and randomly buy figures I was in such a bad place.

But you work on it. Exercise is great, getting outside in the sun is great. I have two wonderful children that can be hard work at the best of times but I know they love me unconditionally.

And get yourself a dog. That can work wonders. A dog is man’s best friend. And they will never ever betray you. Dogs are wonderful and beautiful.

Ultimately the best person to look after yourself is you.
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I see a therapist every week, and have been since the fall.

As for the dogs, I've got three German Shepherds. They're my boys. One is slowly dying of cancer, but he's not ready yet. When things are dark, sometimes all I have to do is look them in the eyes, and the feelings of guilt shake me out of it for a moment.
I'm sorry for what you're going through.

I do have to ask since the words spoken to you seem really harsh based from what I read and you're also implying guilt on your part. Were these actions on your part what led to the situation you are currently dealing with? I'm only asking because maybe what might also help with healing is trying to make amends for what has happened if possible and receiving forgiveness if that's what also you might be looking for. I'm not putting blame or anything just to be clear.
I see a therapist every week, and have been since the fall.
That’s great. They are super expensive and I keep telling myself I don’t need her but I keep going back anyway.

As for the dogs, I've got three German Shepherds. They're my boys. One is slowly dying of cancer, but he's not ready yet. When things are dark, sometimes all I have to do is look them in the eyes, and the feelings of guilt shake me out of it for a moment.
I’m sorry to hear about your dog but if is great that you have them and bring you joy. I can’t bring myself to get a dog right now my area is over run with young people who have dogs but don’t have a clue how to look after dogs. So I go to my mums every week and take her dog for a walk which is a lot of fun. I will get a dog when I move house.
That’s great. They are super expensive and I keep telling myself I don’t need her but I keep going back anyway.

I’m sorry to hear about your dog but if is great that you have them and bring you joy. I can’t bring myself to get a dog right now my area is over run with young people who have dogs but don’t have a clue how to look after dogs. So I go to my mums every week and take her dog for a walk which is a lot of fun. I will get a dog when I move house.
Yeah, they're the only kids I'll ever have. As has been said, they're more loyal than people. They'll never abandon you, betray you or otherwise **** with you the way people are apt to do. There are times when I tell myself that I'm not good for people other than in small doses. That I would rather spend time with my dogs. It's a different kind of companionship, true. It's something at least.
Apologies for derailing the thread.

And thanks, freaks. More often than not, especially over the past eight months or so, I have felt like a freak. And not in the "old" board sense of the word.

Even in moments of clarity, seeing the truth, how some people really are beneath their masks, I find no peace in any of it. More pain. And when you spend enough time living and breathing that pain, that hurt, you tell yourself you deserve it. That they are right to cast you out, discard you, ostracize you. They're right. Even in my heart, I know they're not.

Someone who meant a lot to me, someone who I truly cared about, trusted. Called a friend. She said this to me this morning:

"I wish I never laid eyes on you".
Let everything that happens to you/beauty and terror/just keep going/no feeling is final.” --Rainer Maria Rilke
At the risk of starting a feud when someone brought this point forward on FB, what did InArt actually communicate about when to expect reviews/release pics for Aragorn?