I don't know why this really struck me funny....it feels almost like a quote about war.
Sometimes trying to enjoy collecting here is like war.
For me I've gotten really into a line Highlander, LOTR, Pirates of the Carribbean with companies putting the breaks on them before what I consider essentials were done.
Highlander was doomed. I mean really. Thats a series of movies I wouldn't have bothered to pick up. LOTR was and turns out not handled well by SS. For reasons we've stated many times over. POTC thats all on HT and honestly with any line they do I never expect them to make more than just a handful from.
It sucks to have those lines end before we get the figures we want. I'm still really bummed about LOTR its my all time fave. Not having a complete Fellowship sucks beyond sucking but in the end I enjoy what I do have, and am thankful for that.
For me Belloq and Toht are only useful as parts of complete lines even if its just ROTLA. Without Marion and Sallah at minimum that line will never be complete. Is the line over? We don't know but LOTR was practically given a death sentence. James Bond ended without as much as a swan song. History has shown that a "line on hold" either means death to the line or eventual property to Hot Toys (POTA).
I agree its missing parts if we don't get those two for ROTLA. I'm glad we got Toht and Belloq though. As they do or will look mighty nice on the shelf. I agree line on hold does equal death but with lines like Indy or LOTR they will say something about it.
I don't want to start a line to be disappointed to have half a set up. With GI Joe for example if they produce Duke, Scarlett, Destro and Baroness I would never need any others but of what has been offered Storm Shadow, Snake Eyes and CC with his troops to flank (like Vader and the Stormies) still gives the feel of a line that doesn't have any holes.[/q
True but I think the difference is that with LOTR you'd have expected all four hobbits quick, The Ringwraths wouldn't have been as complex (or at least don't feel as complex) and could have been done. With LOTR you've got figures that could have been done that weren't when a lot of R&D wasn't needed and the line dropped. With Indy there are still standard characters that could go on the Pro or Buck that need some R&D and we got a character variant? If they make the German for him to fight then I'll admit this is a good release but until then it just feels like the beginning of the end....like the Bond Legacy line....
I agree. That the four hobbits should have come out together or within a short time of each other. That line was not handled well at all. It was hard to produce obviously and too much time killed it.
I agree and that is what has me worried, that the rest of the figures aren't moving as enough pace to not charge higher for future figures to recoup costs which makes me think that we have either to hit really A tier character that will sell well or we are nearing the end and they are trying break even before heading out the door.
Its totally possible. I'm just taking them one figure at a time for as sappy as that sounds.