Indiana Jones Temple of Doom Premium Format

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The ES for the Exc Raiders PF was 1000. TOD better not be higher than that. :impatient:

Surely they wouldn't... would they???

I think poor Indy is just suffering from two major flaws. Overexposure, 2 of him already in circulation means folks who want Indy have him, and prioritisation, most folks put him dead-last in a line of up-coming pieces due to the first reason.
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If I'm not mistaken, the Mola Ram Ex. Sold out within a day. The regular took about a week longer.

Not to mention Mola was a PPO.

Well then hopefully Sideshow learned a lesson here, have some balls and branch out. Just because the license is "Indiana Jones" doesn't mean he's the sole character of interest.

If I had to guess, I don't think Henry Sr. would be lingering like this.

Of course in keeping with typical Sideshow fashion, they will instead likely declare the PF line is on hold do to poor fan reception of this new piece.
sideshow dropped the ball with this one. the proportions are off the clothing and face are to clean and he holding the stone in his hand instead of the whip this could have been a masterpiece
Thesis: The "Temple of Doom" Indy PF is over-hated and under-appreciated. :lecture

No, that's the movie. The PF is what it is. If it was the homerun that Mola Ram is, then it would've sold out by now.
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I don't hate it. I think it's "good enough". And I ordered it. But there are things about it that confound and bug me, though. Not gonna be shy about that. It's always frustrating to me when Sideshow lets perfection slip through their fingers.
I like the pf in my opinion not as great as mola ram though. For me and this is just me I think it would be awesome to have an alien pf from kotcs like in my sig. The ex could be the skeleton and the throne. :rock
Nail on the head IMO. The PF is a damn nice piece plain and simple really. I find the hate for this piece laughable really.

And that'd be great if you two bought all them. But it hasn't sold out and that speaks for itself.

Of course it looks excellent it's been sculpted and painted painted up by the best two in the biz. But alot of people don't care for the pose or more of the same character and it's showing.

The who cares what others think is the same approach Sideshow has taken and only like one figure from the entire Indy line has sold out on there website after all this time. This way of thinking is what kills a license, especially this far in.
I don't hate it. I think it's "good enough". And I ordered it. But there are things about it that confound and bug me, though. Not gonna be shy about that. It's always frustrating to me when Sideshow lets perfection slip through their fingers.

You're acting like someone stole your favorite binky Carl. Especially if anyone feels its a pretty cool piece. Telling Khev earlier to stop drinking the SS Kool Aid and referring to the Sideshow Apologist (I'm going to assume you mean me). You know me I won't be shy for calling folks out when they act like a small child.

And that'd be great if you two bought all them. But it hasn't sold out and that speaks for itself.

That speaks that its a $300 piece for a license that doesn't have a huge collecting following IMO. I think everyone expects Indy to sell like Mad. Sadly thats not the case.

Of course it looks excellent it's been sculpted and painted painted up by the best two in the biz. But alot of people don't care for the pose or more of the same character and it's showing.

Trev did a good job on the sculpt and the paint job by Small Studios looked alright. As far as the pose I think if you changed out to the whip lots of folks would change their tune. Now, more of the same character. The Indy line is really all about Indy and he's the only one that really sells.

The who cares what others think is the same approach Sideshow has taken and only like one figure from the entire Indy line has sold out on there website after all this time. This way of thinking is what kills a license, especially this far in.

Who's said don't care what others think? I haven't and I know SS sure doesn't feel that way.
You're acting like someone stole your favorite binky Carl. Especially if anyone feels its a pretty cool piece. Telling Khev earlier to stop drinking the SS Kool Aid and referring to the Sideshow Apologist (I'm going to assume you mean me). You know me I won't be shy for calling folks out when they act like a small child.

:lol You get so easily butt-hurt about these things. None of it is meant to be so personal.
I don't see any real disrespect, or name-calling. :dunno I chided Khev about "drinking the Sideshow Indy Kool-Aid", because I am one of those of the opinion that they don't quite "get" the character... but I know that Khev does. He knew what I meant, and that it wasn't to be taken personally. :hi5:

And if you're implying that criticism of the piece is disrespectful to Sideshow, well... I can't help ya there. My personal take on this PF is that it's a fumble at the goal line after a 99 yard scamper. It could have been nearly flawless, but a couple of design decisions are leaving me and others a little frustrated by what we feel could/should have been. And as fans of the franchise and paying customers, it's more than fair for us to express that, without being called babies.

Trevor's sculpt is another masterpiece, though. On that I think we can all agree. :yess:

And, ultimately, it's a pretty good PF. But I just can't pretend to not be disappointed by some aspects of it, especially since I think these criticisms are more no-brainers than nitpickiness. :pfft: This is why Sideshow frustrates me some times. There is often those little things that just prevent what would otherwise be a collectible masterpiece.
That speaks that its a $300 piece for a license that doesn't have a huge collecting following IMO. I think everyone expects Indy to sell like Mad. Sadly thats not the case.

Now, more of the same character. The Indy line is really all about Indy and he's the only one that really sells.

Who's said don't care what others think? I haven't and I know SS sure doesn't feel that way.

If it doesn't have a collectible following why did a year ago, we get Indy legos, Indy hasbro figures, Indy from Sideshow, Indy Dr. Pepper, Indy Burger King kid's meals, Indy Fruit snacks, I just last night went and saw The Last Crusade in the theatre. Indy is still very much alive and in people's hearts.

But your claims simply aren't backed up by what we've all seen. Indy lingers, while Mola Ram, a who? character by comparison sold like gangbusters. And if thats the case why are Edition sizes where they are?

Oversaturation of the same character, no matter how iconic, will kill a line. Were 3 Indys in with only a single other character where we could easily have another 4-5 to help fill it out, (Marion, Henry Sr., Shortround, Mutt, Willie Scott, Toht...) The Indy line has never been all about Indy, he has so many sidekicks and villains he's famous for, but Sideshow is too busy on theyre real money makers like Marvel and Star Wars to take the time to understand this. We only have 2 PFs in hand, both Indy, and now were supposed to order a 3rd???

Does Indy look great, sure, do I need 3 of the same 20" $300 statues as you pointed out, hell no. So if they want to convince me I do,they better make it perfect and not some random no body from a little company's idea of how he should look.
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I don't think its totally utter disrespect but I think using the terms you did takes away from the points you're trying to make. Just my two cents.

No, not talking about the piece. I haven't seen anyone say its crap or something like that. I don't think its wrong to say what you don't feel are the best aspects of the piece. Haven't said that at all. Nobody has called anyone a baby for not liking all the pieces design.

Would having the whip be cool? Sure. I do like it as is though. Something about it looks cool that way. So for me personally its not a no-brainer.