I don't believe Lucas thinks the movie "sucks" at all. I also don't think Spielberg or Ford do, either.
At the end of the day, they're all smart men, they know exactly what kind of film they've ended up with.
I don't believe Lucas thinks the movie "sucks" at all. I also don't think Spielberg or Ford do, either.
kind of like knowing after watching KOTCS folks will be washing away the "ick" factor by cueing up ROTLA.
Twice for me! And I am NOT buying the new set, no way, no how. Lucas is a master of merchandising. He knew that simply releasing this half-assed 'Indy' film that Lucasfilm'd sell a crapload of toys/books/DVD's/etc as Indy nostalgia picked up steam. Not that that's a bad thing at all - we got tons of great Lego sets, figures, books, etc. from it. But that doesn't mean he actually believes the movie is any good at all - in fact, he's practically come right out and said it's not goodAt least he's being honest - it's our fault not his
Oh, COME ON. Even I in my most drunken anger am never that damn cynical.
Worse than LIVE FREE OR DIE HARD? Ouch!
See, I thought LIVE FREE OR DIE HARD was about the worst movie I've seen in years.
But I'm really shocked at the Indy hate going on. It had plot holes and some CGI craziness, but overall it was a fun flick. I guess I'm just shocked to see so many people hating it.
I still loved LFODH, but again... it was over the top as HELL. The F15 bit was a little much for me too.
But I'm really shocked at the Indy hate going on. It had plot holes and some CGI craziness, but overall it was a fun flick. I guess I'm just shocked to see so many people hating it.
Crazy kids? You're being far too kind to them.Then I suggest you stay away from the TalkBack at AintItCool - for your piece of mind - those are some crazy kids over there!
The Aliens didn't bother me in the least, it was part of that time period and made sense for Indy to deal with. If they had done a film set in the 50's and DIDN'T touch that, I'd have been disappointed. At least he came upon them via tombs and classic archeology and not some other method. So it made sense to me. Indy wasn't hunting aliens, but he still found them.