Iron Man 2 Discussion Thread

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Wow totally unexpected...... Nothing against Cheadle he is a great actor but I just don't see him as a military guy (he is skinny in all the roles I've seen him in). I loved Howard's performance in Iron Man and it's a shame he won't be in the War Machine suit. :monkey2
It's probably a little of both. If his part was bigger, he deserved more money. I would think that to get second billing and an expanded role in such a huge movie would be a thrill for an actor on the rise. But this is how he makes his living, and so he has the right to negotiate for what he considers to be fair compensation. I will miss him in the role.
I just posted this in the movie section. lol.

Basically.. actors get signed for a movie for a certain amount. It's impossible to tell if the movie will succeed or not.. so taking a moderate amount of money for a role is fair. But once the movie comes out IF it blows up, IF the merchandising blows up, IF the hype machine gets rolling.. and anticipation for the sequel is high.. THEN that intial small amount of money that was "fair" before isn't so "fair" anymore for a repeat performance. Especially since in the sequel, Terrance's character was supposedly going to play a bigger part with War Machine. I don't think it's out of line to expect more money on Terrence Howard's part especially since Marvel got fat off the first IM movie. Like I said.. initially when actors sign on for a project they have high expectations but there's no certainity. But now they have a solid idea of what to expect money wise when it comes to the sequel. The sequel will make just as much if not more than the original.. so why would people from the first film do a sequel for the exact same amount they got from the first film with that knowledge? Especially if they were going to have a MAJOR role in that sequel.
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The news of no Howard really sucks and actually dampens my enthusiasm for the sequel.

Let's hope something happens to change this and he and Marvel come to an agreement afterall. Or is it a done deal?

Edit: Nevermind. Sounds like a done deal. :(
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Looks like Marvel is a HUGE Crash fan.

Maybe they'll replace RDJ with Matt Dillon :lol

Wow...I could have thought of more than a handful of actors that could have replaced Howard than Cheadle...
On an equally interesting note, everyone knows that the Iron Man suit for the film was heavily influenced by Adi Granov's drawings and that he even pitched a couple of variations during storyboarding. Rumor circulating is that War Machine's suit will use Adi's drawing for Iron Man: Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. #33 cover as a beginning template....


Notice no spot for an Arc Reactor? Meaning the suit would have to be powered some other way to work and would keep Iron Man's need of one (arc reactor) to Tony. Should be interesting to see where this goes.
no Howard !! WTF !. Man ... that annoys me ... his performance was excellent.
So Don Cheadle is war machine... hmm.... gonna take a while for me to get Terrance out of the role now !.

Great actor though at least.
Terrence Howard Speaks Out on Rhodey Recast
Source:NPR, CHUD October 18, 2008

Actor Terrence Howard appeared in the NPR studio to talk about his debut album "Shine Through It" with Scott Simon for the Weekend Edition. Of course, Simon had to ask him about the recent news that Don Cheadle would be replacing him as James "Rhodey" Rhodes in the upcoming Marvel Studios sequel Iron Man 2.

That news (which has yet to be confirmed by Marvel Studios, who remains as mum as usual) took many fans of the summer's blockbuster hit by surprise since Howard played a large role in many fans' love for the movie, and just as many were excited to see Howard step into the iron suit of War Machine. After the announcement a few days ago, speculation ran rampant about why Howard wouldn't return, but on Simon's radio show, Howard said that he found out about the news the same way the rest of us did.

"It was the surprise of a lifetime," he said. "There was no explanation. [The contract] just...up and vanished. I read something in the trades implicating that it was about money or something, but apparently the contracts that we write and sign aren't worth the paper that they're printed on, sometimes. Promises aren't kept, and good faith negotiations aren't always held up."

You can hear the entire interview on with the comments about Iron Man 2 starting at roughly 4 and a half minutes in.
Wow, that's sounds like a pretty crap move on Marvel's side. It really is to bad, as I like DC, but I've already seen TH as War Machine. Sure, they replaced RD in TDK but I could serious care ^^^^ing less about here. She is a nobody to me for the story to continue. War Machine on the other hand is not only a huge part of IM, but a big part of the MU in general!!

I think that's a ^^^^ move on Marvel's part if they are responsible. Really, really sucks. :monkey2 :monkey2
Terrence Howard Speaks Out on Rhodey Recast
Source:NPR, CHUD October 18, 2008

Actor Terrence Howard appeared in the NPR studio to talk about his debut album "Shine Through It" with Scott Simon for the Weekend Edition. Of course, Simon had to ask him about the recent news that Don Cheadle would be replacing him as James "Rhodey" Rhodes in the upcoming Marvel Studios sequel Iron Man 2.

That news (which has yet to be confirmed by Marvel Studios, who remains as mum as usual) took many fans of the summer's blockbuster hit by surprise since Howard played a large role in many fans' love for the movie, and just as many were excited to see Howard step into the iron suit of War Machine. After the announcement a few days ago, speculation ran rampant about why Howard wouldn't return, but on Simon's radio show, Howard said that he found out about the news the same way the rest of us did.

"It was the surprise of a lifetime," he said. "There was no explanation. [The contract] just...up and vanished. I read something in the trades implicating that it was about money or something, but apparently the contracts that we write and sign aren't worth the paper that they're printed on, sometimes. Promises aren't kept, and good faith negotiations aren't always held up."

You can hear the entire interview on with the comments about Iron Man 2 starting at roughly 4 and a half minutes in.

If true then you deserve a big "boo" Marvel. Of course this could be Howard's way of saying "Yeah I asked for more money and got turned down." I can't see Marvel not contacting Howard at all and offering the part to Cheadle
I can see Marvel doing that. Afterall, they almost went with a different director for IRON MAN 2. If it weren't for RDJ and fan outcry at places like AICN Favreau may very well have gotten replaced too.

They had better watch it. THEY'RE not the reason behind the quality of their films so far, it's the talent.
I can see Marvel doing that. Afterall, they almost went with a different director for IRON MAN 2. If it weren't for RDJ and fan outcry at places like AICN Favreau may very well have gotten replaced too.

They had better watch it. THEY'RE not the reason behind the quality of their films so far, it's the talent.

Replace Favreau.......what is Marvel smoking?? Might as well replace RDJ as well :confused:

Glad to see the Favreau situation resolved but the Howard situation is still a bummer.