Super Freak
Does he save them?
Going by the photos of on set filming I think he does.
He gets them to grab on to one another to distribute the weight so he's carrying 4 but the others are holding on to those 4.
Does he save them all though? Maybe not.
Since this is speculation I don't feel the need to wrap this in a spoiler.
If the group forms a daisy chain and Tony is at the center you have roughly equal weight on each side. Average weight in the US for men is 195 and for women is 166, let's just make the math simple and say 13 people averaging 180 pounds for a total weight for a total of 2340 pounds. Let's say Tony also weighs 180 and the suit 400-600 pounds. A maximum of 3120 pounds.
I think the suit can handle the weight. The problem is the poor SOBs holding onto Tony. When Tony decelerates as he nears the ground the people closest to Tony have to hold 1260 pounds on the arm with 7 people and 1080 pounds on the arm with 6 people.
"So he should wait until he's almost on the ground to decelerate" - wrong, that would create additional g-force and make it that much harder to hold on.
The daisy chain won't work unless Rhodey shows up. That would make ~3 people on each arm, the people holding the most weight have to bear 540 pounds (or in one case 720 pounds). That's still quite a bit, but people full of adrenaline have been able to lift that kind of weight so that's more plausible.