Statue [Iron Studios] Iron Man Mark XLII

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Im express shipping mine to the USA this Friday. Shouldn't be too long.
Im having it checked before mailing it here to the US, so I will upload their pics. Fingers crossed.
Im express shipping mine to the USA this Friday. Shouldn't be too long.
Im having it checked before mailing it here to the US, so I will upload their pics. Fingers crossed.

sounds great dude :clap can't wait to see your Review :)
Seems like you need to watch (or re-watch) this:

that tells you nothing, a $10 toys r us figure will look equally good in those videos.

need high res close up photos to see what quality level it is at, bare minimum it needs to be at sideshow's level for the price paid. I am hoping it's a bit better though.
Why does it have a terrible track record?

The Sideshow Comi's came out great imo :huh

i am talking about the ground punch comiquette, not the classic american flag. the ground punch was plagued with quality and paint problems, both the stealth and regular version. Go look in the old thread for those statues.
i am talking about the ground punch comiquette, not the classic american flag. the ground punch was plagued with quality and paint problems, both the stealth and regular version. Go look in the old thread for those statues.

I know about the regular Comi's issues. Don't recall hearing that about the Stealth though. Luckily, mine is fine I guess.




Diria que falta muito ainda para ser páreo com a SIDESHOW...

sendo muito sincero a peça é legal, sim, porém na minha opinião deixou um pouco a desejar no acabamento final (pintura) creio que por ter sido a primeira da Iron seja normal ainda não ter um padrão Sideshow, mas creio que tem potencial,a caixa é bacana vem numeração inclusive na parda, a base é bem legal e a estatua também ficou bacana deixou apenas a desejar mesmo no quesito pintura mais eu sinceramente recomendo como um bom custo beneficio e no geral uma nota 8 fica de bom tamanho.

não digo amarelão, mas poderiam ter dado uma tonalizada melhor e como falei o acabamento no geral da pintura não foi nota 10.

Não tem por que se arrepender...é uma linda peça ...Eu gostei muito

acho que vc deve ficar com ela é uma bela peça mesmo,porém é a primeira de uma empresa nova e que ao meu ver só tende a melhorar, aos meu olhos como falei deixou um pouco a desejar porém cito como exemplo que a pouco estava rolando um pequeno evento entre amigos na minha residência e ela foi um sucesso absoluto na visão dos "leigos" no assunto.

cara...achei sensacional...só que é aquela coisa...colecionador sabe identificar pequenas diferenças...que Não comprometem a peça.

Google Tradutor

I would say that there is much still to be match with SIDESHOW ...

being very sincere, the piece is cool, yes, but in my opinion left a little to be desired in the final finishing (painting ) i believe to have been the first of the Iron is normal does not have a standard Sideshow , but I think it has potential, box is nice even number comes in brown box, the base is really cool and nifty statue was also left just want even more painting in the question I sincerely recommend as a good cost-benefit and overall an 8 is a good size.

too yellow i would not say , but they could have taken a better toned and as I said at the finish of the paint is not generally note 10 .

You need not be sorry ... is a beautiful piece ... I really liked

I think u should stick with it is a beautiful piece even though it is the first of a new company that in my opinion is only going to improve , to my eyes as I said left a little to be desired but I cite as an example that was just rolling a small event among friends in my house and it was an absolute success in view of the " laity " in the subject .

dude ... awesome ... just thought what is that thing ... collector can identify small differences ... not that commit the piece .
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Really cool pictures, hope to see fellow collectors get their hand on this awesome piece!, congratulations on everyone who ordered this.
Good afternoon guys

I have paid for all 50 statues today.
I am starting sending e-mails to everyone who Pre-ordered this with remaining balance.
I should receive them by the end of next week and start shipping on the same day.
If you pay first you get it shipped first. Simple math! :)
Good afternoon guys

I have paid for all 50 statues today.
I am starting sending e-mails to everyone who Pre-ordered this with remaining balance.
I should receive them by the end of next week and start shipping on the same day.
If you pay first you get it shipped first. Simple math! :)

:panic::panic::panic: Please send my email now Ricardo! :lol
Good afternoon guys

I have paid for all 50 statues today.
I am starting sending e-mails to everyone who Pre-ordered this with remaining balance.
I should receive them by the end of next week and start shipping on the same day.
If you pay first you get it shipped first. Simple math! :)

Payment sent.... Thank you!
Cancelled my Deadpool PF order for this and it's looking pretty good so far from the above the strong light up features and the iconic MK42 IM3 pose :rock
Almost everyone on the list have been contacted via Pay Pal e-mail.
A few of you have been contacted only via PM as I did not have your e-mail.

Iron Man Mark XLII 1/4 Scale - Final list!

1- GodofWar-Alberto G. (+ 1 Iron Man, 1 War Machine and 1 Iron Patriot Key Chains) - Contacted via Private message!
2- Ronald G.
3- DVDVampire - David A (+ 2 IM + 2 IP + 2 WM keychain)
4- GodofWar-Alberto G. (Second piece)
5- SpenK Contacted via Private message!
6- Marc-Andre-Drum18 (+1 Iron Man Key Chain) FULL BALANCE PAID! 1st on the shipping list
7- Jye- Ryan L. (+ 2 Iron Man and 1 Iron Patriot Key Chains)
8- Jojo Galang
9- Sen Wei Oon-oonsw05 (+ 2 IM + 2 IP keychain)
10- F. Hernandez-Mr.Zero (+ 2 Iron Man Key Chain) - Contacted via Private message!
11- C. Thomas - traylorc
12- Noctu
13- Thunderlips
14- Joe Ruany
15- Brandon Lam-lamtsunfung (+ 1 Iron Man, 1 War Machine and 1 Iron Patriot Key Chains at $27)
16- Y4NK33 PL4N3T FULL BALANCE PAID! 3rd on the shipping list
17- Kyle Z
18- Wu Tung Lun - Yatyau (+ 2 IM + 2 IP + 2 WM keychain)
19- George Smy (+ 2 IM + 1 IP + 1 WM keychain)
20- George Smy
21- thaistixx
22- Charles/TheMovieManiac FULL BALANCE PAID! 2nd on the shipping list
23- ronald taylor/rocketrey
24- Ensandria Rendrata- Ersa
25- Marc Heinz
26- goh leong /hazzard
27- Robert Bernier / Mad Napper
28- IE Computers / Gagaliya
29- Paolo schiappacasse
30- Saymour Go
31- Saymour Go
32- Danny Chander
33- BarryAllen/ Bobby Trinh
34- Daren Sheng
35- Daren Sheng
36- Daren Sheng
37- Daren Sheng
38- Daren Sheng
39- Daren Sheng
40- Daren Sheng
41- Maxicollector *
42- Maxicollector *
43- PRF *
44- Adriano
45- Keeping these 3 pieces as immediate replacements just in case I get a bad one!
46- Keeping these 3 pieces as immediate replacements just in case I get a bad one!
47- Keeping these 3 pieces as immediate replacements just in case I get a bad one!
48- James Taveggia / Noah*
49- Kantaphong*
50- Kantaphong*
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