Loved the movie. But I went into more of that in the movie thread. The only figure I had PO'ed so far was Tony Stark. I hadn't planned to get much more than the Mark 42 and MAYBE Iron Patriot. But I definitely want the Mandarin. I don't care what role he ultimately played, he looked cool and he'll look great on the shelf. And I have enough interest in the character in general (from the comics) that I'll want the movie representation of him.
As far as the other armors, I do think I'll get the Heartbreaker. The others I want haven't been teased by HT yet. But the Silver Centurion is a MUST. It looked so much like the comics version, and I love that armor. I also really liked the Shotgun armor and the skeletal looking one, whatever that was called. I also want a Pepper finally, damn it!

This movie is the perfect excuse to release her in final battle and business suit clothes.
Oh, and even though I didn't see the space armor in the movie, I'd probably be down with getting that too.