Disney is notoriously stingy with the $$$ and Feige's head is huge off of the Marvel Studios' successes which are all bad things for negotiation purposes.
With regards to Hot Toy Iron Man 3 figures.....it sure has been eerily quiet since the US release of the movie. I would have thought they would have shown photos of several new pieces around the time of the movie's release.
Maybe they're a little turned off by the fact that most of the new suits appear as little more than a blur flashing past your eyes.
I don't think you understand, they are signed for multiple picture deals and are threatening to simply not show up. When I say that he isn't signed onto anything it means more that he doesn't care what is on the contract because they can be settled with other projects for the studios.
Well to be fair, there was a time when a movie was one $20 million dollar actor and then everyone else. It was crazy, inequitable, and unsustainable. Studios can still pay big bucks for a "Name", but thanks to new technologies and a shift in how movies are made, sold, and viewed, they are now finding ways to sell "Big" movies without "Big Names" to save them some money.