Ironman 3 Spoiler/Figures Discussion

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There's ways to make it a bit more equitable for the actors. $200,000 compared to $50 million is pretty bad. The studios would hate for everyone to get a cut of the back end like RDJ, but I'm sure a deal can be made where its still reasonable enough for everyone involved.
$200,000 is nothing to sneeze at but these actors deserve more especially for what they bring to the table. I remember the cast of Friends got close to a million each per episode about 10 years ago. Crazy thing is Terrence Howard got more than RDJ in IM1. Something about him being signed onto the movie first.
There's ways to make it a bit more equitable for the actors. $200,000 compared to $50 million is pretty bad. The studios would hate for everyone to get a cut of the back end like RDJ, but I'm sure a deal can be made where its still reasonable enough for everyone involved.

that 50 mill rdj gets isn't what they pay out just to have him in the movie. its also taking things in account like agreements to have a share of all merchandise and use of the license itself and also being payed for other duties within the movie production other then "actor"

rdj was one smart *** guy when he negotiated the contract for IM, and he is lucky it blew up like it did. he reaped the rewards of what he laid the groundwork for with forethought rather then temporary gain.

its totally possible to have the margin gap widened for those other actors if they allow them the same types of deals. it may not equate 50 mil for everyone but its not $200,000 either.

the problem when you have this many people all clamoring for a chunk of the prize is there is only ever going to be so much money to throw out there. there has to be some give from all parties involved to reach a compromise everyone will be happy with in the end.
now that is it established how all these movies are going to work from here on out and its not all hinging on the success of one franchise things should and will have to change.
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Yeah this whole Iron Man thing is about to burn out, especially in China. I bet they are so sick of it by now.

So I watched 1 and 2 again tonight and while I can agree that 1 was a "better" movie than 2, I still personally prefer to watch 2 over again. I guess it is because I am a whore for War Machine :lol. But besides that, I liked how the chemistry between RDJ and GP seemed to grow. Sam Rockwell was entertaining (if not exactly accurate or threatening enough) as Hammer, and, of course, Black Widow/ScarJo. :love
Secret project is just a colorway for the Hot Toys Mk IV 1/6 figure. It never appeared in that color in either IM2 or 3. We can only assume, if we wanted to "reason" it's existence, that it is simply the pre-painted Mk IV we see in IM2.
I look forward to getting all the MMS Mark Suits that Hot Toys puts out because I am a fan of the tech, regardless that this film was super lame. I think we were supposed to wear blindfolds under our 3D glasses. Would've prevented us from awakening from dozing off.
say what you want about IM3 but it will break a billion. while people say the film suX or its horrible marvel is laughin straight to the bank.
i just noticed the cut on tony's eye jumps left to right in the mandarin scene

whoops! =X
Finally saw IM3 and walked away disappointed as ****. This movie has suck written all over it. I'll spare everyone here from my nitpicking.
I just got back from watching it a 3rd time, while I agree it leaned towards the disappointing side, I still enjoyed it all around. I was able to identify more of the armors at the end , but I wish they would have been used more. I somehow wish this would have been a direct-to-DVD and blu-ray movie so it could have been longer, I pray we get an extended cut or directors cut.
"You'll never see me coming." - The Mandarin

"Jarvis, do me a favor. Blow the Mark 42." - Tony Stark

"It's Christmas. Take em to church." - Tony Stark

Wow. Who wrote this crappy screenplay? :rotfl
"You'll never see me coming." - The Mandarin

"Jarvis, do me a favor. Blow the Mark 42." - Tony Stark

"It's Christmas. Take em to church." - Tony Stark

Wow. Who wrote this crappy screenplay? :rotfl

Are those lines supposed to be bad? Or are you being sarcastic?
i asked all of my "Casual" friends who saw iron man 3 what they thought and they all loved it, its only 1/2 of the "hardcore" folks that hated it. but with licencing included marvel will make 1.25-1.5 billion easily, while people ***** marvel is countin their cash, if you didnt like it then move on folks
say what you want about IM3 but it will break a billion. while people say the film suX or its horrible marvel is laughin straight to the bank.

i asked all of my "Casual" friends who saw iron man 3 what they thought and they all loved it, its only 1/2 of the "hardcore" folks that hated it. but with licencing included marvel will make 1.25-1.5 billion easily, while people ***** marvel is countin their cash, if you didnt like it then move on folks
