Super Freak
Sideshow does listen to their customers, most of the improvements mentioned by many in the forums (and in a letter I sent to them) to the first Prometheus body they did and we got the Pro 2.0 (none suggested the ratchet knees).
I think once SSC shows the preview or puts up the preorder it's just too late to do major improvements.
One easy fix for them to do is just recast and reduce the size to scale of the Snake Eyes statue head, give it a neck joint, put it into production and throw it in with the rest of the stuff.
OR, we could just do that ourselves.
Commando Snake Eyes should look like this:
I hope it's not too late, the main issues (other than price and ratchet knees, lol) with the figure are the commando head, the sweater, pants and Timber's head and foot, that's only 5 things that really need addressed. 2 of those things can be taken from an existing pattern that being the sweater and pants from Beachhead to give him more of the iconic commando appearance. That leaves only 3 pieces to be tweaked, not too much to ask when they're asking us for the guts of $200 in return.
Nice & concise post OP, unfortunately you are just wasting time. Sideshow ignores all the threads showing them clear problems with their products, just look this section..
They only answer customer service questions apparently.
I hope that's not the case in this instance, I've linked three major boards who represent a number of their potential customers and the overall reaction isn't great. It would be in their best interest to soak in the feedback and make changes accordingly.
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