Darth Cruel
Super Freak
I hit Sideshow up about this issue in an email and here was their response.
Dear Sideshow,
I have been a huge collector of your Star Wars, LOTR, Indiana Jones, And GI Joe 12" lines since their beginnings. I buy three of every figure and have all figures from all four of those lines. So I hope you understand my frustration about the query I am sending you in this email.
Why, after promising increased frequency in the GI Joe line, have you all apparently cut back on them, instead?
Yours in the collector spirit,
Steve "Darth Cruel" Johnston
Dear Darth Cruel
Hello and it is very nice to hear from you again. You know that you have long been our single favorite collector. To us, you epitomize everything good and pure in the heart of collecting. You are the single shining beacon in the quagmire that Sideshow GI Joe collecting has become. And as such, we will give you some insight about the current status of the GI Joe line.
As you may know, recently we posted a warning to the "Elite" (a few of whom you so intelligently refer to as "GI Joe Nazis") in our newsletter. Unfortunately, as of the writing of this response, we have yet to find our instructions followed-through on. So we have found no alternative but to suspend production of any further figures in the GI Joe line until those instructions are followed.
So...as it appears...the "tittybabies" and "Chicken Littles" were right. The line was doomed to fail early. But not for the reasons they thought. Instead, the fault lays squarely on the shoulders of "The Elite".
Further...if we are forced to resume the production without the complete dissolutiion of this cult, we are committed to begin making the "updates" to the figure so extreme and so far removed from the source material that they will be more closely associated with the Ken figures from Barbie than with anything from the GI Joe continuum.
We at Sideshow are deeply offended by this group and do not find them to be "Elite" in the least. And we are throwing our hat in the ring to join the fight against them! Our new battle cry here at Sideshow is:
"Yo, Non-Elite!" (we couldn't think of one that rhymed with "Joe").
Thank you, Darth Cruel, for being what every collector should strive to be. Thank you for being the nearest thing to Jesus that collectors can be.
The head guy at Sideshow
So there you have it. No new figures while the "elite" exist. The ball is in the Elite's court.

Disclaimer: This post is in jest and is not intended to be taken seriously. No representatives of Sideshow's had any part in the creation of this post. Nor was any part of this post ever actually submitted to Sideshow Toys.
Dear Sideshow,
I have been a huge collector of your Star Wars, LOTR, Indiana Jones, And GI Joe 12" lines since their beginnings. I buy three of every figure and have all figures from all four of those lines. So I hope you understand my frustration about the query I am sending you in this email.
Why, after promising increased frequency in the GI Joe line, have you all apparently cut back on them, instead?
Yours in the collector spirit,
Steve "Darth Cruel" Johnston
Dear Darth Cruel
Hello and it is very nice to hear from you again. You know that you have long been our single favorite collector. To us, you epitomize everything good and pure in the heart of collecting. You are the single shining beacon in the quagmire that Sideshow GI Joe collecting has become. And as such, we will give you some insight about the current status of the GI Joe line.
As you may know, recently we posted a warning to the "Elite" (a few of whom you so intelligently refer to as "GI Joe Nazis") in our newsletter. Unfortunately, as of the writing of this response, we have yet to find our instructions followed-through on. So we have found no alternative but to suspend production of any further figures in the GI Joe line until those instructions are followed.
So...as it appears...the "tittybabies" and "Chicken Littles" were right. The line was doomed to fail early. But not for the reasons they thought. Instead, the fault lays squarely on the shoulders of "The Elite".
Further...if we are forced to resume the production without the complete dissolutiion of this cult, we are committed to begin making the "updates" to the figure so extreme and so far removed from the source material that they will be more closely associated with the Ken figures from Barbie than with anything from the GI Joe continuum.
We at Sideshow are deeply offended by this group and do not find them to be "Elite" in the least. And we are throwing our hat in the ring to join the fight against them! Our new battle cry here at Sideshow is:
"Yo, Non-Elite!" (we couldn't think of one that rhymed with "Joe").
Thank you, Darth Cruel, for being what every collector should strive to be. Thank you for being the nearest thing to Jesus that collectors can be.
The head guy at Sideshow
So there you have it. No new figures while the "elite" exist. The ball is in the Elite's court.

Disclaimer: This post is in jest and is not intended to be taken seriously. No representatives of Sideshow's had any part in the creation of this post. Nor was any part of this post ever actually submitted to Sideshow Toys.