Then Hasbro went crazy:
I don't mind these guys so much:
-Hydro Viper / Demon of the Deep (I actually liked this figure, but the like the Eels better)
-SAW Viper (Discussed already in the Crimson Guard thread)
-HEAT Viper (Another one of my faves as a kid, but I'm not sure how I feel now; I especially like the explosive shells strapped around his ankle)
-Frag Viper (I liked this guy as a kid, don't think it works now)
-Range Viper (Okay, I liked the skull head exposed brain look as a kid, but don't want one now)
Couldn't find the card art for this guy
-Rock Viper (Nice helmet design

. I liked that he came with a PSG, though).
Couldn't find the card art for this guy either.
Under no circumstances should these guys see the light of day:
-Techno Viper
(I like that Cobra has a enginnering division, but don't like the sci fi designs of these guys)
-Astro Viper (Ditto)
-Toxo Viper (Ditto)
-Laser Viper (Ditto)
I'm stopping at 1990, because that's when I stopped collecting the 3 3/4 figures. Wikipedia listed all these Viper variations:
"Aero-Viper - Condor Z25 Pilot
Air-Viper - Cobra Air Force Trainee
Alley Viper - Cobra Urban Assault Trooper
Astro-Viper - Cobranaut
A.V.A.C. - Air-Viper, Advanced Class; Firebat Pilot
Bio-Viper - Amphibious Mega-Monster
Cyber-Viper - Cybernetic Officer
Desert-Viper - Cobra Desert Trooper
Elite-Viper - Elite Regiment Officer
Fast Blast Viper - Field Combat
Flak-Viper - Cobra Anti-Aircraft Trooper
Frag-Viper - Cobra Grenade Thrower
Gyro-Viper - Mamba Pilot
Hazard-Viper - Toxin Specialist
H.E.A.T. Viper - High-Explosive, Anti-Tank; Cobra Bazooka Trooper
Heli-Viper - Cobra Battle Copter Trooper
Hydro-Vipera - Cobra Underwater Elite Trooper. Also known as the "Demons of the Deep"
Ice-Vipera - Cobra WOLF Driver
Jungle-Viper - Jungle Assault Trooper
Kitchen Viper - Mentioned in the comics only; never actually seen. Judging by their name, it is assumed that they work in Cobra's mess hall.
Laser-Viper - Cobra Laser Trooper
Medi-Viper - Medical Trooper [3]
Mega-Viper - Mega-Monster Trainer
Monstro-Viper - Savage Mega-Monster
Motor-Viper - Cobra Stun Pilot
Nano-Viper - Cobra Commando
Neo-Viper - Officer/Infantryman
Night-Viper - Cobra Night Fighter
Ninja-Viper - Martial Arts
Nitro-Viper - Detonator Driver
Para-Viper - Cobra Paratrooper
Pit-Viper - Infiltration Trooper
Range-Viper - Cobra Wilderness Trooper
Raptor-Viper [4] -
Red Ninja-Viper - Ninja Warrior
Rock-Viper - Cobra Mountain Trooper
Sand-Viper - Desert Infiltrator
S.A.W. Viper - Cobra Heavy Machine Gunner
Secto-Viper - Cobra Bugg Driver
Shadow-Viper - Counter Intelligence
Shock-Viper - Fire Assault Trooper
Sludge-Viper - Cobra Hazardous Waste Viper
Star-Viper - Cobra Stellar Stiletto Pilot
Strato-Viper - Cobra Night Raven S³P Pilot [5]
Street-Viper - Urban Combat Trooper
Sub-Viper - Underwater Demolitions
Swamp-Viper - Amphibious Assault Trooper
Techno-Viper - Cobra Battlefield Technician
Tele-Viper - Cobra Communications
Terra-Viper - Cobra Mole Pod Pilot
Toxo-Viper - Cobra Hostile Environment Trooper
Track-Viper - H.I.S.S. II Driver
Viper - Cobra Infantry
Viper Guard - Cobra Infantry
Viper Pilot - Attack Glider Pilot
NOTE: The Hydro-Vipers are actually part of the Cobra Eels, and the Ice-Vipers are part of the Snow Serpents. How it is that these troops are "Vipers" and yet part of a non-Viper unit has never been explained by Hasbro."