Super Freak
Which would be fine if it were intended to be entirely seperate but it isn't. So rather than being able to simply look at it as a film on its own merits I can't help but compare it to older Star Trek and find a whole swathe of problems that otherwise wouldn't be problems.
I don't understand why young Spock even called old Spock at that point. What exactly prompted him to do it? Why was he asking about Khan? As far as he knew Admiral Marcus was the much more immediate threat at that time. Why wasn't he asking Old Spock 'Did you ever encounter a Starfleet Admiral Marcus?' It was as though he knew beating Marcus was a foregone conclusion and that Khan was the real threat when in actuality as far as he knew Khan was on their side. Theres also the fact that he makes this call in front of the whole bridge crew and no one bats an eyelid that Spock is somehow talking to his future self. Has Nimoy Spock announced his presence to the whole federation - it didn't seem like he was going to at the end of the 09 film. Annnddd the silliness that they can call old Spock but apparently no other starfleet ships - which would have been handier in their situation at that time. Not that it should even have been necessary to call reinforcements given that they were over earth and Starfleet should have been instantly aware of what was going on.

Also, Khan isn't some obscure character in the Star Trek universe, He's a notable 20th century Earth conquer. Young Spock should've known of him and what a threat a Augment like Khan would've been, no need to contact Prime Spock whatsoever.