I'm late to this party, but just saw this movie tonight. I enjoyed it. I think it came a bit off the rails toward the end, and was a bit anti-climactic, but in general I thought it was an effective action movie with good performances. Kinda hoped they would set up the Genesis Planet for part 3, but it did feel like the kind of movie that wanted to wrap everything up in a nice bow (which is fine, but it isn't all that Star Trek like in the sense of the original shows. . .which I'll get to in a minute), so I knew they were somehow going to solve this problem before the movie ended.
Having said all that, I was a big Star Trek:TNG fan in the early-mid '90s. Since then, I've kinda turned away from the franchise. I LOVED the first Abrams Trek film. But since then, I have been getting more and more into the '90s Trek shows, watching TNG again and the incredibly awesome Deep Space Nine (which I never watched much back in the day). Watching another Abrams Trek film following this paints the films in a different light, and I really do feel the way that CollectorNC does now. This was a fun film, but it was not in the spirit of those great Trek shows I referenced. Star Trek always had action, but the essence of the show was about more than trying to string together action sequences. It was about exploring an idealistic future for man, and how really interesting characters (like Picard, Data, Quark, Worf, and Sisko) dealt with situations we can relate to, but are still fantastic and appeal to our imaginations. The drama trumped everything else. This also applied to the original Trek and the films it spawned. Now Star Trek has foregone that in the pursuit of action and excitement, and as a result it really just isn't the same beast. It's good for the medium of film, but. . .it's not Star Trek as I really love it.
If this happens with Star Wars, I'll probably feel similarly. But the Trek franchise was stale and this injected it with some life. Though not an ideal solution, Star Wars could really use some of the same. Abrams makes good movies and a good pseudo-Star Trek or Star Wars film is better than no film, or worse, putrid/mediocre films like the Star Wars prequels. So, bring them on.