Update on the background for you guys. I had been working on it, then mid-late February I got hit with the stomach flu and I didn't even kick the illness for a week then it took me another week just to start eating right again and regain some strength. After that wooped my ass, I got caught up in a fairly good sized slew of shipments from Sideshow and enjoy those collectibles and doing projects with them, and as you've seen, the Sideshow wallpaper project took precedent with me, but the biggest thing, as often happens, after the first month, month and a half after Jabba shipped, the buzz died and people stopped showing interest in this thread, so I archived the backdrop project figuring interest had been lost. I will certainly continue to chip away at it, but just realize it is the most complicated project of anything I do or post in these forums. Some of you may have scene the Aliens backdrop I'm working on, that's mostly blending of various screen grabs into an intricate design but no direct represenation. Jabba's palace is cluttered from wall to wall throughout Jedi, so basically I'm creating every piece of the design from scratch based off various reference materials. Because of image quality and the design method I have to use, the file is a little over a gigabyte so far where I last left it, and even on a powerful computer that's a heft load, so file save time runs longer and it's a process, but if people are still interested, I can continue to chip away at it.