Super Freak
Re: I saw AVATAR in 3D!
Okay, for the record...
I have not gone to a movie in as long as I can remember, expecting to be blown away by a story, dialogue (except for Tarantino movies), etc. I go giving it face value. This is why I wasn't disappointed in T:S, or Star Trek, or the likes of Star Wars' PT or even T3 for that matter (though I do agree that it was the weakest of the films). The only time I get annoyed is when I see things blatantly off the mark for no other reason than just that. Deadpool was a perfect example of this. So was the over-the-top violence/gore in Zombie's Halloween 2. I can forgive stereotypical moments like Jarhead peptalks, etc., if the overall ride is fun. I also didn't think Ledger's take on Joker was the monumental earth-shattering cinema everyone else thinks it was. Quite simply, it was another take on Joker. 
OK, I may be way off the mark here, but I don't think you're gonna like Avatar too much... I have a feelng that when (and this isn't too much of a spoiler) but I think when Colonel Miles gives his little speech/corporate pep talk... I just have a feeling you might be on a side that differs to most... though I hope I'm doing you a diservice and I'm wrong.
I've known some grunts in my time... and I'm amazed at how often they are purely just grunts! Sad but true!
PS, I'm not saying this to antagonise, it is based on true life experience.
Okay, for the record...