James Cameron's AVATAR discussion thread

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Re: I saw AVATAR in 3D!

@the dude person: True, but you're forgetting that James Cameron has done some insanely good sequels (T2, Aliens)...

I heard he actually was planning to make one or two sequels. Dunno if it's just a rumor, but as long as the same director's covering it, I'd have no problem watching.
Re: I saw AVATAR in 3D!

I like Jake's new life as a Na'Vi and the fate of the humans who stayed being left up to the imagination. I'm curious as to what Norm and the others will do once their air supply runs out (since the unobtanium mines "funded the whole operation") but like with Blade Runner, I'd rather wonder than have a sequel spell it out.

I know Cameron plans to make it a trilogy so we'll just have to hope he does a good job. I know Terminator 2 is a "classic" but I still feel that it weakened the perfectly circular story told in T1.
Re: I saw AVATAR in 3D!

T1 was... I dunno what word to use so I don't shunned by the Terminator community, lol.
We all know James Cameron's films have been huge successes and have stood the test of time. Based on past experience, if the man says something'll be good, it'll be good.
I wouldn't mind a trilogy, and he probably has even started thinking about possible plot lines already (not surprising, since he's developed the world of Avatar for 10 years)... This potential franchise obviously means a lot to him, so we may actually get sequel greatness...
It's cool to watch the revenue of this movie.
Curious to see how this weekend ends up!
So far Friday estimates are about $25 million...just for Friday!

To date, that makes about 310 million domestic and about $785 million worldwide. lol crazy.

Just saw it again this afternoon on Saturday. Continually impresses me with it's eye candy but I still love the story and how it's TOLD (don't care that it's old and simple and cliche - it's told entertainly).
Continually impresses me with it's eye candy but I still love the story and how it's TOLD (don't care that it's old and simple and cliche - it's told entertainly).


All comes down to whether you connect with the story even if it is generic.:)
You might want to consider catching it again. After FOTR came out I was a little bit surprised that I didn't know exactly what to think about it, I knew I loved it, but there was something about it that I wasn't quite sure about due to my expectations. I saw it again and realized that just taking it as its own movie it became one of my favorites of all time.

I'm definitely not saying that will happen for you and Avatar, but you may find that you appreciate it much more than a mindless summer blockbuster after a second look. Sometimes with movies like these you need to see it once just to clear the palette, then again to truly appreciate it. Just a thought.

You might be right, the hype machine was in overdrive for this film with me; having seen previews at SDCC and anticipating the "future of film."

With LOTR and me personally, I had read the books some years before the films were released, but nothing could prepare me for what I saw. Granted the hype wasn't anywhere near as large; but the SCORE (oh the music was magical!!! Which btw is a major weakness of Avatar I think, it didn't have a very memorable main theme), Hobbiton, Moria, etc; oh man instant impression --- I still use that theatre experience and a guide for all subsequent films.
Re: I saw AVATAR in 3D!

I love avatr so much...theres a side of me thats like Yes more avatar films and stuff!..but then theres a part of me thats like NO Dont..it was so good.and epic i dont it to rewin the movie by making crappy sequals..Im in ONLY IF CAMERON directs..Or have him work on somthing fresh..like battle angel or somthing
Re: I saw AVATAR in 3D!

Saw it yesterday,i really enjoyed it,and at the same time very provoking based on the actions of the Humans.

But this shows what kind of world we live in,we humans can never let things be,there is always talk about money and take a step further in science whatever the cost.And yeah,the army was very provoking,but i won`t go that way,i don`t wanna piss anyone off :lol

Sorry i might be exaggerating a bit here but that is how i feel :eek:

Definitely the movie of the year!
Re: I saw AVATAR in 3D!

Humans are caca. We are caca to eachother and you can bet your ass we would be extra caca to aliens, especially if they had something we think we need.

Humans are caca and destined for the ultimate fail.
Re: I saw AVATAR in 3D!

Rumor has it that the sequels will deal with other moons of the same planet; as I understand it(haven't seen the first 20 minutes yet-long story) Pandora is one of several moons orbiting a gas giant, rather like the Jovian system. Said gas giant is clearly visible in the sky in many shots. Should be interesting...PS
Re: I saw AVATAR in 3D!

Saw it yesterday,i really enjoyed it,and at the same time very provoking based on the actions of the Humans.

But this shows what kind of world we live in,we humans can never let things be,there is always talk about money and take a step further in science whatever the cost.And yeah,the army was very provoking,but i won`t go that way,i don`t wanna piss anyone off :lol

Sorry i might be exaggerating a bit here but that is how i feel :eek:

Definitely the movie of the year!

Humans are caca. We are caca to eachother and you can bet your ass we would be extra caca to aliens, especially if they had something we think we need.

Humans are caca and destined for the ultimate fail.
I can only agree with both statements!
Watched it yesterday and really enjoyed it.

The story in this movie reminded me of Pocahontas,have anyone seen "New World?"?Probably been mentioned in this thread allready...

Check it out, Sigourney does her "Planet Earth" narration for Pandora:

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="https://www.youtube.com/v/EE1IvFDrRUs&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcfcf&hl=en_US&feature=player_embedded&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src="https://www.youtube.com/v/EE1IvFDrRUs&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcfcf&hl=en_US&feature=player_embedded&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>


This is a GREAT clip! I sure hope this is included on the BR with the extras!

So I went and rewatched Avatar today, regular theater (but still 3D) and it kicked so much more ass then when I saw it in the IMAX.

The 3D was very iffy in the IMAX so generally during many scenes my vision would split and I would get annoyed. But today the 3D was nearly perfect and I was just able to fully enjoy and experience the movie.

Have to say, with a 2nd viewing (plus the 3D working better) this has become my favorite movie of 2009 :rock :rock :rock

I've only seen it in 2D (standard) format...the 3D stuff has always just given me a headache. One thing you (and others) mention is...a second viewing does really flip the switch! I love this movie!

It's cool to watch the revenue of this movie.
Curious to see how this weekend ends up!
So far Friday estimates are about $25 million...just for Friday!

To date, that makes about 310 million domestic and about $785 million worldwide. lol crazy.

Just saw it again this afternoon on Saturday. Continually impresses me with it's eye candy but I still love the story and how it's TOLD (don't care that it's old and simple and cliche - it's told entertainingly).

I don't give a tinker's damn about the revenue, but it is nice to see that Cameron didn't bankrupt the studio :)...

And yes, I had a second viewing as well this weekend and I really like this movie. The first time around was hampered for me by the hype-engine, my own expectations, and reacting to all of the reviews I'd read over at RT and other places (Heck. even that hack Harry Knowles loved it and that's usually ALWAYS a bad sign for me)...

This time around I really let myself get into the rhythm of the story and as well as soaking in more of the detail of the world Cameron is creating here. And while the world indeed dazzles the eye and ear, the story and characters really came to the forefront for me this time around.

Yes, Cameron does "borrow" a lot from other similar stories like this, but it is assembled and performed in a way that really works well.

A few of the true stand-out moments for me (among many) were:

-Jake inhabiting his Avatar body for the first time...his sheer joy of just running again and digging his toes into that soft soil was wonderful!

-Jake just leaping off that cliff and plunging into the water...really just becoming enveloped in this new lush world...very cool way to kick his journey into gear...

-Jake making that speech to the Na'vi gathering after Home tree's destruction...usually moments like this are hammy and overdone but it was very well-played here.

-....and that final moment of Neteri scooping up Jake's withered human body and placing the re-breather mask on him...he regains consciousness to her greeting of "I see you!"...it was touching and sincere and the best truly effective bit of "acting" with a CG character that carried what could have been an awkward moment. I thought it worked great.

There are many more moments in the movie that stand out now for me...but most of all, it's the film as a whole...it really is something special from Cameron and one can senes that heart and effort that went into it. It's my favorite film of his since "The Abyss"...

If you've only gone once...go again....and see if it doesn't click as a great movie for you.
That's awesome.........just guarantees the madness of Cameron will continue

Made another 68 million this weekend.
3 weekends in a row with no real percentage drop.

Domestic total: $352
Total Worldwide : $1 Billion

I'm happy for this movie and Cameron and the naysayers. Because it obviously went well beyond expecations and far from an epic fail.

IT's a damn good time at the movies, so anyone who has anything negative to pick apart about the movie, just has way to much time on their hands.
But apparently I do as well, since I've seen it 3 times lol
Its been out three weeks and has already earned more worldwide that The Dark Knight? Holy crap. :google

Its guaranteed to at least be 2nd all-time now. I wonder how close it will get to Titanic's 1.8 billion....
4th highest grossing movie of all time in 4 weeks.

I liked the movie a lot, but DAMN!

I had mused after Titantic that Cameron had sold his soul to the devil and now I'm sure of it.
Titanic made 1.8 billion in '97 right?

According to boxofficemojo, the average ticket price in '97 was $4.59, today the average is $7.18. Also the price for IMAX and 3D movies is more than that.

So is Avatar actually as popular is the numbers are saying, or does it just look that way cause ????s so expensive now?

Adjusted for inflation I wonder where Avatar ranks.