Because Hollywood doesn't give two ____s about the adjusted for inflation, just nerds.
Let's put your money where your mouth is. I'll give you $100 and you can give me $100 in 1939 dollars adjusted for inflation.
You're completely missing the point. The studios behind Avatar are thrilled with its box office. Nobody else is making money like that right now. But to pretend it's the biggest haul ever is just asinine, and if they had the choice of two box offices you can bet they'd rather have the one that's three times larger in real terms. Nobody's saying that's a realistic option or that the studios are unhappy with the grosses. It's an academic point about perspective.
Same people will be having this same conversation in 20 years when the next HUGE movie comes out.
We had this conversation two years ago. And with inflation and the expansion of 3D and IMAX we're probably going to be having it again in just a few years.