The Queen of Darkness
OMG Y DID THEY PUT DAT HORRIDLY EFCT MOVIE BAHK INTO DA MOOVIES??// De feffcx luk leik film from 1928. omg so gahy.

That's one funny ass post, right there...
OMG Y DID THEY PUT DAT HORRIDLY EFCT MOVIE BAHK INTO DA MOOVIES??// De feffcx luk leik film from 1928. omg so gahy.
I'm not biased against anything. It was a typical popcorn flick with good - but not amazing - effects and a pedestrian script.
The effects in D9 were better from my perspective. They appeared photorealistic and "really there" whereas Avatar felt like a highly rendered cartoon to me. Very pretty, but not better.
Yeah, I'd already seen that in the Star Wars prequels. So the whole movie is set in Felucia - big deal.
Pumped to NOT get this movie on Blu Ray.
You guys really take the poking way too seriously... its just happening because it's causing such a predictable and funny response from Ironwez. Heck at this point I'd almost suspect he's in on the joke as well.
Getting back on topic, is anyone else using their tax return to buy AVATAR on Blu-ray?
Getting back on topic, is anyone else using their tax return to buy AVATAR on Blu-ray?