James Cameron's AVATAR discussion thread

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cause you suck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Good article in the latest issue of The New Yorker magazine about James and his movie.

And dont worry about the "money shots" being spoiled. They have already said they werent spoiling the movie through trailers like most films do.

Just under 2 months away, and I at least want another trailer because the first had virtually no dialogue and didnt go into story. For this trailer to be 3 times as long as the first it should rock!

when the trailer becomes a synopsis for the film, it scares me. every new cool image is a spoiler to me. once you've seen it, it's no longer going to feel fresh when you see it again on dec 18. and i'm willing to bet my left nutsack that they're going to show some amazing shots in the new trailer. they have no choice - they have to make up for the initial bad reception to the teaser.

i'm staying the hell away from any avatar related thread as of now. media bombardments is imminent. tv, internet, friends are my enemies now. i'm staying away from them and going into hibernation. this is the film of the decade. i want to go experience it with as little exposure as possible. see you guys back here after dec 18. tada...
when the trailer becomes a synopsis for the film, it scares me. every new cool image is a spoiler to me. once you've seen it, it's no longer going to feel fresh when you see it again on dec 18. and i'm willing to bet my left nutsack that they're going to show some amazing shots in the new trailer. they have no choice - they have to make up for the initial bad reception to the teaser.

i'm staying the hell away from any avatar related thread as of now. media bombardments is imminent. tv, internet, friends are my enemies now. i'm staying away from them and going into hibernation. this is the film of the decade. i want to go experience it with as little exposure as possible. see you guys back here after dec 18. tada...

LOL! You sound like my brother. He always reads new Avatar info apprehensively with one eye open. I have read the description of the trailer and it will fill people in on the story finally so they will have a general synopsis of the film but IMDB just released the runtime of this film- Its approx 2 hours 46 minutes long! Thats a lot of Avatar goodness. This new trailer will have a couple shots from the original trailer but focus more on the story and doesnt spoil too much. Mostly filling you in on the plot. But in this day and age with media the way it is I dont blame you.

Having said that, anticipation is half the fun so I cant bring myself to keep my peepers off the board...lol. Although Im pretty much the only one posting new info in here.

Ive mentioned this before but if you want the latest info on Avatar or anything 3D related- check out marketsaw.com. or AVTR.COM
peeked at both sites few times before. they're my enemies now. so are your posts. so is this thread.

dec 18, i'll be friends with the world again.

I havent watched it yet but here ya go! New trailer. Doesn't hit the net officially till next week. Showing in theaters tomorrow. (really the first actual trailer cuz the other was a teaser)

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Watched it - pretty effin' cool. Can't wait for hi-res versions so I can better judge the animation. I still don't see this being a big hit among the masses, though. I hope I'm wrong.
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Well Cameron has never had an original idea of his own, so I can understand the hate. And since when does it make it okay to completely rip something off just because it was written in the 50s?