SixMillionDollarMan Guy
Super Freak
Re: I saw AVATAR in 3D!

~The message you have entered is too short~

~The message you have entered is too short~
That wasn't the 3D. That was your body adjusting to having seen the greatest thing ever committed to film.![]()
I know. I just thought I should explain what my implication was before the douche machine overloaded and splashed us all with cooties for merely wanting to read about Jim Cameron's new flick.
Edit: Hey Crow. PM BluFalcon and tell him he's been brainwashed by the Army. Hell, do that for any of the other active (currently serving) collectors who post here. Your bulls**t posting is really making you look as ignorant as teemu. We both know you aren't, so please keep that opinion to yourself. Not only is it absurd, but it's untrue. If you wanna talk about brainwashing, you can always talk about how extremists are swaying 12-year-old virgins into believing that if they run bombs into stores and kills dozens of people who have nothing at all to do with war, there'll be 70 virgins for each of them in the afterlife. But that wouldn't fit your argument, would it.![]()
Ugh, I said I wouldn't chime back in but I can't not respond. Look, I worded a lot of my initial posting wrong. It was a spur of the moment, pissed-off post that I should have thought through a little more before I posted it.
The brainwashing aspect exists on both sides. A small percentage of soldiers take what's hammered into them in basic and it becomes their entire life. The same thing happens with cops. It's the ones who can take their training and apply their own moral compass and sense of right and wrong to the training, which is the vast majority of soldiers, that are the paragons of their kind and a tribute to everyone that put their lives on the line since day one to make America, or any free country, what it is. Like I said, in any position of power, no matter how small, you will have a small percentage of people who obtained it just so they could use it for their own twisted urges. The thing that separates American soldiers, for the most part, is their ability to think and use their values to become what their enemies aren't, and that's someone who helps people through compassion and only uses violence when it's absolutely necessary, but there will always be people who join up because, "THEY WANNA SHOOT THEM SOME DIFF'RUNT PEEPLE!", and their deeds are magnified because it's a much better story than the good that their comrades are doing, and thus that gives the rest of the world a skewed opinion on our soldiers because they don't see anything else.
And you really don't want me to go into detail addressing radical Islam or the methods they use, because by the end of the post I'd have half of the Islam world at my door demanding my beheading. So I'm sure it would fit my argument, but unfortunately we can't criticize Islam because it's the religion of peace(TM) and that would be politically incorrect, and we wouldn't want to offend their sensibilities while they're stoning women for walking within 10 feet of a male non-family member.
BadMoon: You can consider me mental all you want, holmes, but just because I have an opinion (which I admittedly stated in the wrong way) that there are many problems with our military system that leave many, many veterans high and dry with no help whatsoever, many of which I've seen first-hand in my family and close acquaintances, doesn't mean I'm crazy. It just means that I can admit our country and the military establishment isn't perfect.
nam: Yeah, absolutely, and that's why I respect the hell out of 99% of the soldiers we have. I've just personally known a few of the other kind, especially when I worked with the Marine Corps for a couple years, and I can see why the negative stereotype exists. But again, that's in every profession of power. Hell, I'd wager that cops have a far larger percentage of bad seeds than the military does in all branches.
Racial Jokes are always the best jokes, thats why Russell Peters is king.
James Cameron is Canadian draft dodger. lol!
Anyway, to officially end my part in the great debate, to any current members of the military or any veterans posting here, I sincerely apologize if I offended you. I've just got very strong feelings about the things I've seen done to people close to me that I expressed in the wrong way without thinking ahead to the reaction it might provoke.
Anyway, to officially end my part in the great debate, to any current members of the military or any veterans posting here, I sincerely apologize if I offended you. I've just got very strong feelings about the things I've seen done to people close to me that I expressed in the wrong way without thinking ahead to the reaction it might provoke.
Enemy At the Gates IMO is one my least favorites.I loved the action in the movie,Rachel Weisz is sexy BUT!,WTF is it with the English accents? they're RUSSIANS!! FFS!.
Loved it myself. Saw it this morning at a a packed theater. Didn't see the 3D version because I refuse to pay $10+ for a movie. The plot wasn't original, but the rest of the movie was fantastic!!
~~ I think I'm gonna drop some acid before the second viewing!!!
Suck on that Lucas!!!
Just because you came out mental doesn't mean that others do. Proud Marine here. I'm by no means brainwashed. Anyways, my post was in reference to your rather blatant and ignorant post, that has now derailed a rather innocent thread. So way to go! Now take your political soapbox elsewhere. Again thank you!