IMO Avatar fans are dellusional and obssessed the same way the Dark Knight fans were.
Saw Avatar. It was crap. Spectacular visuals -- the story was a 3-hour cliche'. The blue indians were saved by the magic tree sending all the forest animals to defeat the evil imperialists ... blah, blah, blah. Predictable. Cliched. Most characters were poorly written and lacked any depth at all. It was a $500M Pocahontas.
Agree 100% with you.Unfortunately some people will tell you it was a great pop-corn movie...
I have also notice, exactly like the Dark Knight, Fans of the movie will become slightly obssessed with the movie and really delusionnal.Do not attack their caca Masterpieces.They wont take it.Fail.
Dammit, King, that's the reaction I suspect I'll have, and I trust your judgement (dispite Highlander ). But I was hoping for more.
Its Dances With Wolves/Nightbreed/Aliens. Seriously. Throw in a little Braveheart in there too
But a well done cliche
Don't forget Princess Mononoke! There's a lot of Miyazaki in this flick.
Yeah, that's EXACTLY what it was.