You would think that the Japanese would have been more circumspect about building nuclear power plants after Hiroshima and Nagasaki. I guess they forgot that energy is dangerous.This situation is like when rich people build expensive homes on the side of a hill where mudslides can happen, just so they can have a great view. Then when their house slides down the hill and is destroyed, they act as if it wasn't their fault, and they want the government to help them.
You always have to build things for the worst case scenario, and if that worst case scenario is death, and you don't do it because it's too costly, and you believe that the worst case scenario isn't worth building for, then at that moment you accept the possibility that people will die someday as a result of that decision, and thus, the Japanese thought that it would be ok if people died sometime in the future as long as people had nuclear power today.
It sucks when people have such little regard for the value of human life,or the arrogance to believe that they are above the laws of nature.