John Carter (of Mars) trailer

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Seriously? The title card in the film says "..of Mars"?

They avoid "Mars" in the marketing and according to pre-release analysis they are expecting this film to be the biggest flop in Disney's history, and perhaps the biggest ever in Hollywood. What a marketing clusterf-ck!

If I were a shareholder of Disney stock I'd want some scalps from the board of directors.

He starts out as John Carter of Earth. He becomes John Carter of Mars. The opening and closing titles reflect that journey.

And the source listed in that article about the early tracking was "a senior exec at a rival studio." Why are rival studio execs being quoted about the anticipated performance of their competition? Of course a rival exec is going to slam it! That's irresponsible journalism.

I think this movie will find an audience because it is well made. The money is on the screen. Will it make back its budget and marketing costs and get a sequel? That's a tougher call. But I can tell you that tons of people will love this film when they finally get around to seeing it.
Can't do any worse than that Mars Needs Moms crap that flopped.

Anyway, the movie still gives me a Attack of the Clones vibe. Love the version of Kashmir the trailer uses.
The arena battle was not really a major part of the film. Misleading marketing implies otherwise. It comes along later than I expected, accomplishes what it needs to in service of the plot, and then moves on without prolonging things unnecessarily. I think that Stanton did a better job directing this than Lucas with Attack of the Clones. (Faint praise?) He shows comparable restraint and keeps the focus on plot and character.
Mars needs Moms flopped because everyone is tired of Robert Zemeckis and his slightly dead looking cg people. He was about to make a Beatles movie (a re-telling of Yellow Submarine) when Moms flopped and the plug was pulled. As a Beatles fan I was intrigued but then I remembered everyone would look Polar Expressionless (sorry). I would've been more excited by a beatles film done by the guys who did the Rock Band cut scenes, but now I'm getting off topic.

The other big blunder made with this film is hiding the fact it's really a Pixar movie. Disney wants Pixar's image to be sqeaky clean G-rated but this movie was made more by Pixar than Buena Vista.

Pixar also stepped in to re-do a bunch of Jeff Bridges Clu in Tron 2 (some of the fuzzed out scenes that are still in Tron Legacy are Pre-Pixar).

My opinion is if Disney had put the Pixar brand on this movie there would be a line around the block to see it.
I first heard of this movie while researching PIXAR via Wikipedia. I think it's a shame their name's not on there! I am intrigued by everything I've seen for this and I think slapping Pixar's name on anything would help sell tickets.

Also, I can appreciate why they put "...of Mars" at the end of the movie and if that's the choice they made, why couldn't they have called it "Edgar Rice Burroghs' John Carter" or have said "From the creator of 'Tarzan'" or ANYTHING to show that this is a century old story worth making into a movie and not a craptastic CGI fest which it appears to be from trailers alone. I really want to see this movie and really hope it's good. I am not familiar with the source material but find the whole concept very intriguing.
Glad you liked it Tom. I can't really explai it but I'm quite excited to see this. The fact you liked it makes me think my gut feeling this movie is gonna be good will be spot on.
First five books on the Kindle are free! I read the free sample and considering it's age, it's an easy and fun read. If nothing else, this movie will introduce the Barsoom world to new readers. I would LOVE it if Barnes & Noble would release a leather-bound collection of all the stories as they do with many other literary classics.
Also, I can appreciate why they put "...of Mars" at the end of the movie and if that's the choice they made, why couldn't they have called it "Edgar Rice Burroghs' John Carter" or have said "From the creator of 'Tarzan'" or ANYTHING to show that this is a century old story worth making into a movie....

Exactly. :lecture

Recently Kino video re-released a more fully restored Metropolis with nearly half an hour of footage that had been considered lost. The text in the trailer helped establish Metropolis's importance in the history of sci-fi cinema.


Disney didn't spend one cent explaining to people the importance of John Carter as a character. Ironic, because Disney nearly did an animated feature of A Princess of Mars before Snow White. John Carter was very nearly the first animated feature film ever. You would think that would mean SOMETHING to disney.
Halfway through "Princess of Mars." Sooo excited for this! Are the other books worth reading? Will seeing this spoil those or is this an adaptation of just the early stuff?
Halfway through "Princess of Mars." Sooo excited for this! Are the other books worth reading? Will seeing this spoil those or is this an adaptation of just the early stuff?

The movie is sort of a combination of the first 2 books.
just watched a review of this and it got slaughtered according to one critic the producers are allready trying to distance themselves from it
just watched a review of this and it got slaughtered according to one critic the producers are allready trying to distance themselves from it

Link? Because the majority of critics seem to be praising it a lot. The producers are also very proud of it - just check out Andrew Stanton's twitter.
just watched a review of this and it got slaughtered according to one critic the producers are allready trying to distance themselves from it

If it was on youtube, take it with a grain of salt because everyone is a critic on there.