Re: SOME AVAILABLE! [iminime] Serial Killer Movie (7) - Detective 'M' & 'S'
emarae beat me too it Orri.
But there ya go. EVILFACE did those Se7en logos and names.

But there ya go. EVILFACE did those Se7en logos and names.
I think the secret project was actually Michael Keaton??
But in any case I want John doe super bad...
Guess so, why do so many people know Os what I want to know. Defeats the purpose of a secret. I have a pretty good idea through process of elimination.
Like many of the collectors here who love their custom figures, I once again took advantage of the talents of fellow Freaks member Evilface to do my stands for my set. I've just gotten so addicted to his wonderful work on these stand decals, I often look forward to them almost as much as the custom figures themselves!
Blank stands come with official HT TT like this:
There's other options like this with a raised name plaque:
There are different style stands too. Search things like"1/6 figure stand" on eBay.
If you're really a stand guy and want to make them look official, contact EVILFACE. He makes custom lables to go on the base(movie logo, character name, etc).
Seems like both would have a neck attachment, or that neither would be glued. Seems like you're gonna have to get a neck joint and mod it yourself. Is the head drilled so you could insert a neck plug?