Mention it to Denny Orri. I'm sure he'll make good on it no problem
sounds like some ppl are having problems...
no sweater? thats odd definetely shoot iminime a email
If you don't wanna bother trying to color the vest, you might wanna try this one that I picked up for mine on Evilbay. I just hope it's a good fit when it comes in hopefully next week.
Man, that looks great! The vest is a necessity if you ask me.
Well done! Glad I'm getting mine.
Nice find emarae! Thanks for putting us on. I grabbed one of these and definitely glad I did. Looks awesome man
Yup hot glue is the way to go its the most forgiving in respect to it can be heated up or peeled off to be removed
Those like me who are disgusted with paying 50 bucks for a regular old TrueType these days And want to use what they have can do what I did...
If you unplug the plugs on the nude body on the back and back midsection you can twist the screws And put the plugs back in, chest is now tight!!
Twist the tiny exposed screws on the back of the shoulders... Now tight. Now unplug the forarms from the biceps by yanking, and then yank the forarms from the elbow joint. Then tighten the screws on he joint itself there will be two, right overtop of those screws lay a thin layer of hot glue when you plug everything back it's nice and tight!!
Top half all tight! You can use the same method on his knees. Now it's just the hip joints that are loose. No easy way to correct that. It I had a bunch of those overly huge shoulder old true types not bein used so I just ported the bottom half over by unscrewing the lower backs of both. And swapping the top.
All in all took about 30 mins and saved myself like a hundred bucks from ordering new tts.
The body complaining honestly I don't advocate the money went into here production o the sets and it was a fair price better than most unlisenced stuff that comes on junky dragon or buck style bodies.
Why I don't get why there aren more complaints about is the size of mills head. I looks so damn nice and so much like brad but not only is it super small by 1/6 standards next to freeman his head looks like he's about 12 years old by proportion. Literally my only gripe about this great set.
Yup popcultkid you are right, need a little love but there's so much greatness here!,
Fooled around some more with them today the quality of the heads is just insane.
Let me see what I've done with them so far...
1) swapped/tightened the base bodies
2) gave somerset his proper revolver style pistol
3) gave somerset other shoes so they are not wearing the same thing.
4) tightened and shortend simersets tie
5) replaced mills shirt with a colar that made his head look less incredibly small
6) gave mills the blue police vest
7 swapped somersets hands with enterbay j hands also includes a great knife holding one
8) replaced mills pants with hot toys friend. Looks less dragon or sideshow like and accurate to the baggy crappy 90 style pants he wore in that film
9) padded up somerset to give him an old man ponch. Makes all the difference in the word.
Hopefully ill find a more accurate suit to replace somerset but if not I'll live with this.
Pics Ray! My head is gonna explode if i don't see pics! :what:
isnt mills gun a 45 with a wood texture grip?
not sure but i thought it was something like that
I SO need to get pics of these. I will definitely do that bud. I also promised Platty pictures of my james bond like a month ago.
I also need to show my customs of unforgiven, the beatles, walter white pulp fiction... the list goes on and on mayne tomorrow i'll spend theday taking pictures.