Nuka Cola Kidd
Super Freak
Strange how the US has more nukes than the rest of the world yet won't allow the smaller nations to develop the same deterrent.
Wow really?
Thats because those smaller nations wont use them as a deterrent they will use them to wipe out another country/people for a religious belief or sheer hatred for them...
I never thought I would meet someone who thinks that it would be ok for Osama Bin Laden to have a nuke. And be arrogant enough to say Bin Laden wouldn't use one on the UK if the UK wasn't allied with America.
Wow....I thought I was ignorant about the world....but wow im glad im not british now. And they say the American school system is in the crapper. Must be worst across the pond.

It depends on the attitude of individuals.
If for example we had to deal with condescending, loudmouthed American tourists that come here and constantly complain about how everything is so different compared to "back home" then we'd rightly get a bit tired of it.
Bet you I could find just as many British tourists/study abroad students that would say they same thing as you could find Americans.
Tell me if Im wrong but I believe that its called culture shock.
Guess the British are just as condescending and loudmouthed.
A big percentage of US citizens couldn't even find the countries they go to war with on a map but they'll still sit round the TV cheering on Team USA as they "kick ass".
I'm sorry but I will cheer for my friends, family members and total strangers of this great counrty all day long, every day of the year no matter how stupid the conflict...because they are putting their life on the line. You know what, I'll even cheer for those British troops because their helping in the greater good (whatever that may be at the time).
Sorry I have pride for my military, maybe you should too. Don't hold it against me cause Im American.
You can say American tourists/military give America a bad rap all day long....but your words in this thread just gave the British stigma a heavy blow. Come join us way down on the bad rap pole.