Joint Military Exercises with S. Korea

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Strange how the US has more nukes than the rest of the world yet won't allow the smaller nations to develop the same deterrent.

Wow really?

Thats because those smaller nations wont use them as a deterrent they will use them to wipe out another country/people for a religious belief or sheer hatred for them...

I never thought I would meet someone who thinks that it would be ok for Osama Bin Laden to have a nuke. And be arrogant enough to say Bin Laden wouldn't use one on the UK if the UK wasn't allied with America.

Wow....I thought I was ignorant about the world....but wow im glad im not british now. And they say the American school system is in the crapper. Must be worst across the pond. :slap

It depends on the attitude of individuals.

If for example we had to deal with condescending, loudmouthed American tourists that come here and constantly complain about how everything is so different compared to "back home" then we'd rightly get a bit tired of it.

Bet you I could find just as many British tourists/study abroad students that would say they same thing as you could find Americans.

Tell me if Im wrong but I believe that its called culture shock.

Guess the British are just as condescending and loudmouthed.

A big percentage of US citizens couldn't even find the countries they go to war with on a map but they'll still sit round the TV cheering on Team USA as they "kick ass".

I'm sorry but I will cheer for my friends, family members and total strangers of this great counrty all day long, every day of the year no matter how stupid the conflict...because they are putting their life on the line. You know what, I'll even cheer for those British troops because their helping in the greater good (whatever that may be at the time).

Sorry I have pride for my military, maybe you should too. Don't hold it against me cause Im American.

You can say American tourists/military give America a bad rap all day long....but your words in this thread just gave the British stigma a heavy blow. Come join us way down on the bad rap pole. :1-1:
You know, i am pretty sick of American/Canadian obsession with Aussie/English/Scottish/Irish accents, like to the point they get this dumb look of amazement on their face any time they encounter someone with these types of accents.

My comment on this is 80% directed at women. :lol
We don't celebrate thanksgiving you ignorant bastard !. :lol


You know I was kidding right? More of a jab.

Everyone I've talked to or met from England is usually awesome...

Edit: I hardly think this guys comments are representative of how the British feel about the US in general. No country is without blame, but overall, I like/understand the US efforts and appreciate Britian's aid.

This BC character... just another blame the US, entitled and clueless individual. I think they were referred to as hippies 30-40 years ago.
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Nuka Cola Kidd,
I couldn't care less who has nukes........the USA are partially responsible for their creation and certainly played a part in the proliferation of them during the Cold War so it's almost inevitable that it will come back to haunt them one day......whether it's terrorists or a wider conflict provoked by the USA sticking their nose where it doesn't belong makes no odds to me as the result will be the same.......everyone dies.

Why should I have pride in the British military when they're nothing more than the USA's puppets?

Assisting the USA isn't's more like suicide especially when you consider the number of "friendly fire" incidents. If people want to sign up just to risk getting their brains blown out by their so called allies they deserve all they get.

I respect those that fought Hitler because that was a matter of survival.......killing a few thousand religious nutjobs with a huge advantage of proper training and advanced technology doesn't really compare.

I'm many things but I don't feel entitled to anything nor am I a hippie.........I have a shaven head for one thing which isn't really the look hippies tend to go for :)

And I'm not clueless either, not at all.
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It's posts like the one's on the previous couple of pages that makes me wish the US would become isolationists again.

The US just gets criticized for trying to keep tyranny at bay, so I say screw it, let dictators overrun the place, let psychopaths obtain nukes, let poorer countries deal with the aftermath of floods and earthquakes, cause it certainly isn't appreciated.

Basically, what I'm saying is, ____ everyone else.

You're thinking more and more like me everyday. I'm getting scared! :lol

I'm many things but I don't feel entitled to anything nor am I a hippie.........I have a shaven head for one thing which isn't really the look hippies tend to go for :)

WTF are you saying? that all people with long hair are hippies? i have long hair and i'm not a hippie. i'm really offended by this.:mad:
No, I was just using that as an example of the sort of attitude which can lead to bad feeling.

I don't like some ( again not all ) Americans because they're arrogant, full of their own self importance, ignorant of other cultures and ways of life, want to start wars with any country that won't "convert" to their way of life and despite all their political correctness are still one of the most bigoted nations on the planet.

remember, your country seems to get on its knees any time America asksm and the wars the U.S. start in order to "convert" people , your country is always the first to follow America right in. seems your country takes a lot of orders from the country you hate.
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As ever you are totally wrong about me.

I disliked the USA long before I ever watched that programme.

There are some decent people from your country but if you and several of the other people that are having a go at me in this thread are any indication they appear to be a minority.

bcm77, the poor victim again. Its all about people "having a go at you" isn't it. :lol
The UK and the US are sister nations that share the same ideology on most stuff. If they didn't work together they'd both be screwed.
I'm kinda with BCM on this one, especially after all those Iraqi children that ____ing got bombed all to ____ by the Americans, this just provokes a neverending hatred..think about it..just say America made up some BS story about Canada having WMD's and took pics of industrial areas in Toronto and labeled them WMD sites(just like they did to Iraq)..then all of a sudden come and bomb the ____ out of my country killing my family, of ____ing course i would want to kill every American that stepped on my land especially after all this happending.

Pride your military all you want, i can't say any of this mess really changed anything for the better..lots of innocent people were murdered first by Americans...don't pretend like the world doesn't know or remember.

And yea Britain is Americas hand puppet in ways but, we had Jean Chretien as our PM before the Iraq invasion to set ____ straight and show the world that we Canadians won't participate in this retarded ____.

<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>
WTF are you saying? that all people with long hair are hippies? i have long hair and i'm not a hippie. i'm really offended by this.:mad:

No, I'm just doing what many Americans do and going for the laziest stereotype because I haven't the time to do anything else :)

fear 666 xX,
The fact that the UK is such a puppet of the USA is one of the reasons why I dislike my own country almost as much.

Aside from my posts here you don't know me, or anything about me so why you continue to make inaccurate posts about my character I don't know.

Maybe that says more about your own insecurities than any you perceive me to have.

At any rate it's pointless you making any further jabs because ,

A) Nothing you say has any effect on me
B) You will be on "ignore"
I'm kinda with BCM on this one, especially after all those Iraqi children that ____ing got bombed all to ____ by the Americans, this just provokes a neverending hatred..think about it..just say America made up some BS story about Canada having WMD's and took pics of industrial areas in Toronto and labeled them WMD sites(just like they did to Iraq)..then all of a sudden come and bomb the ____ out of my country killing my family, of ____ing course i would want to kill every American that stepped on my land especially after all this happending.

Pride your military all you want, i can't say any of this mess really changed anything for the better..lots of innocent people were murdered first by Americans...don't pretend like the world doesn't know or remember.

And yea Britain is Americas hand puppet in ways but, we had Jean Chretien as our PM before the Iraq invasion to set ____ straight and show the world that we Canadians won't participate in this retarded ____.

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l saw a video on the internet of Harper saying if he was PM back in 03 Canada would of gone to Iraq. thank god that did not happen.

l just finished watching PBS documentary "Bushes war". some disgusting info in there about the Iraq war. l bet Bush was jumping up and down in his office after 9/11 so he could now tie Afghanistan to Iraq and start his own personal war. l can understand why Iraqis were fighting Americans. lots had family members killed and they wanted revenge. same thing in Afghanistan. when fighting an insurgency you really cant win. not easily any way.
Oh BCM, you've ____ the bed in this thread too. I thought you would have stayed in the Transformers thread. Bummer.
Deak, WTF.."snitches get stitches"??..what kind of welfare wigga scare tactic ____ is that?.

:lol LMAO @ all this teenage angst and anger from bcm77. :lol


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