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Re: Joker PF (updates first post)

I suggest we worry about mishaps until and if they actually happen. You'll live a happier life that way.

The reality of the situation is that lately we seem to spin the wheel of quality when it comes to Sideshow. That should not be when spending $300+ on statues. Whoever approved Rogue PF in China as "QC Approved!" should be held accountable. People that bought the piece and are not 100% satisfied SHOULD return it. That's what the "satisfaction guarantee" 30 days is for: use the policy if you are not 100% satisfied.

The only way Sideshow will understand is if they go to their warehouse in a few weeks and ask themselves: why the f#$% are all these exclusive Rogues sitting here? if you guys keep the statues because you must have all the Jim Lee X-men or because your Gambit PF needs a companion or whatever the fanboy reason is then all the complaining on these threads is pointless. We are to blame as a consumer for being more of a fan than a smart buyer. That's how they get you with collectibles, right? they appeal to your heart and not your rational side.

People need to take a step back. This new DC line will be full of awesome characters but is time to evaluate the merits of each sculpt and put aside the sense of completion and love for the characters that makes you settle when subpar pieces are shipped. Joker PF, Batman, Superman.....whatever it is. At these prices and at the speed these collectibles are being released you no longer have a choice to settle for less than 100% satisfaction.
Re: Joker PF (updates first post)

People didn't miss out on this piece because of flippers. It was up for 16 hours before it sold out. The people that missed this are people who didn't even know about the piece until after the fact. They may not even have known SSC has the DC license or didn't know much about SSC itself. All the hardcore SSC collectors who wanted this got it. There will always be new people who are introduced to this hobby after a piece they want is sold out. The aftermarket is the only way for many collectors to pick up the pieces that they missed out on.

I myself don't get the flipper mentality. It seems like a lot of work and money tied up for a small profit. The pieces that really shoot up in price usually take a long while. It's not like the Doom, Hulk or Cap PF shot to over a grand overnight. It took a couple of years. That's a long wait to try and make a profit. Regardless of how we feel on the subject of flippers, they are the ones many collectors will have to turn to if orders don't convert for the EX Joker PF. That is just a simple fact.

Good luck to you on your waitlist converting. I think you have a good chance. If not...there are other options.

True, but if flippers didn't buy at all who would have secured their preorder spots? People who want the statue to keep. The sell out would have taken longer though. But seems we mostly agree. I think the regular collectors who knew but still missed it either waited too long or waited for the WL on purpose.

And I don't want it to seem that everyone who preorders and sells is a flipper. I don't think the person who sold me Gambit or any of my other peices is a flipper, even if they did make a small profit. Sometimes you enjoy a peice for a bit, and there could be many reasons to sell (don't like it as much anymore, needing the money for something else, refocusing your collection, etc).

Thanks for the GL. I only ordered Joker because it's the 1st DC offering/PF, and more importantly what I really want is BATMAN!!! I figure if I pass up on Joker I'll be sorry for it later when the eventual Batman PF is released. If it converts I will be happy, but if not I'll just get a Reg from somewhere else for cheaper and be ok with it.
Re: Joker PF (updates first post)

True, but if flippers didn't buy at all who would have secured their preorder spots? People who want the statue to keep. The sell out would have taken longer though. But seems we mostly agree. I think the regular collectors who knew but still missed it either waited too long or waited for the WL on purpose.

And I don't want it to seem that everyone who preorders and sells is a flipper. I don't think the person who sold me Gambit or any of my other peices is a flipper, even if they did make a small profit. Sometimes you enjoy a peice for a bit, and there could be many reasons to sell (don't like it as much anymore, needing the money for something else, refocusing your collection, etc).

Thanks for the GL. I only ordered Joker because it's the 1st DC offering/PF, and more importantly what I really want is BATMAN!!! I figure if I pass up on Joker I'll be sorry for it later when the eventual Batman PF is released. If it converts I will be happy, but if not I'll just get a Reg from somewhere else for cheaper and be ok with it.

Good luck with that bro, the ES is pretty high so your shot is good and if you're planning to display the Regular head and not the lip biting one, there are retailers that have them for cheaper. My guess is the Regular ES will be substantial as well and will flood the market.
Re: Joker PF (updates first post)

People looking for the next Doom should hop in their time machine and get one. Some fans refuse to see that both the market has changed an Sideshow is a bigger, different company with a different philosophy on what they are prepared to leave in the aftermarket.
Re: Joker PF (updates first post)

People looking for the next Doom should hop in their time machine and get one. Some fans refuse to see that both the market has changed an Sideshow is a bigger, different company with a different philosophy on what they are prepared to leave in the aftermarket.

:lecture:rotfl:lecture:rotfl:lecture :exactly::goodpost:
Re: Joker PF (updates first post)

People looking for the next Doom should hop in their time machine and get one. Some fans refuse to see that both the market has changed an Sideshow is a bigger, different company with a different philosophy on what they are prepared to leave in the aftermarket.

:goodpost: :lecture
Re: Joker PF (updates first post)

People looking for the next Doom should hop in their time machine and get one. Some fans refuse to see that both the market has changed an Sideshow is a bigger, different company with a different philosophy on what they are prepared to leave in the aftermarket.

Yep definitely, with this high ES this won't be anywhere close to the next Doom, plus the exclusive chalice is something more integral to the display than the Joker lip-biting switch out head which may sit in the box for people who prefer the reg head. We probably won't may never see quality like Doom PF or Hulk PF again.
Re: Joker PF (updates first post)

Nah it looks great, awesome sculpt, just high ES and those that like the Reg head better could possibly get that down the line for cheap. It will probably track more along the lines of Darth Maul PF value than Doom PF. The Reg ES will probably be huge too.
Re: Joker PF (updates first post)

Not really, just relatively high, Darth Maul was higher. Still the Ex is not a must have for some and the sculpt being kickass will definitely float it a little.
Re: Joker PF (updates first post)

I think it is. Gore Group did a fantastic job with the sculpt in my book and I love their attention to detail.
Re: Joker PF (updates first post)

From the prespective of a must have exclusive or edition size probably not but sculptwise Joker is great.

Re: Joker PF (updates first post)

Yea, I am a huge Joker fan, especially classic comic joker, but the sculpt on this could have been better. Thats just what my first reaction was and what my honest opinion still is. The sculpt is average for me, but the awesome purple suit and my longing for a good 1/4 scale joker won out on this PO.
Re: Joker PF (updates first post)

Are you crazy? That sculpt is amazing.

It's the important stuff that sucks, like edition size and an exclusive that makes the regular worthless.
Re: Joker PF (updates first post)

I agree with some that I didnt like it when I first saw it at SDCC but it is growing on me. I think I would have wanted something a little darker or menacing.

Important stuff, lets just hope he doesnt have a lazy eye.
Re: Joker PF (updates first post)

Its good enough for me to Pre order this thing. period.

How's the value later on, or how many is the edition size...i wouldn't care about it. The most important thing is we all can get hands on for this.