Premium Format Joker

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Buy it now! He's selling for @ $600 currently. I can't see the price dropping anytime soon. After flippers sell their pieces in the coming months, it will only be harder and more expensive to secure. If you wait until after the Bat is released, it could get real ugly.

One just went for 531. But If you missed out, i would and try to obtain one (even a reg) before batman releases.

I also wouldnt doubt there will be a legendary scale joker some time in the near future due to the popularity of this piece.
I love my new display!
This joker PF is just amazing!!

Does the regular head can be taken off ? I thought regulars wasn't removable .:dunno

I am sure it does. I don't think SS is going to make a new box for the Regs. You can't fit the Joker in the box with his head on. Much to large. Much easier to just have a removable head.

My guess anyways.