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I'll trade my Joker Ex for a Doom Ex any day of the week. :)

Only time will tell!!!

Here is the big thing about it! Its the first DC to come out of SSC!
So it will be sought after years later when its all gone

I am curious if we are going to see if the trend of the DC statues ES go down in time to what Marvel line is right now.
I am curious if we are going to see if the trend of the DC statues ES go down in time to what Marvel line is right now.

Sure, when they get to DC's D-listers like they're doing with Marvel right now.

If they were doing Marvel's A-listers all over again I think the ES would be higher just because Sideshows customer base has grown.
There is no way joker is better then Doom. I'm hard press it's even better then the Skaar.

Crazy Talk ;)

I am not a big fan of Skaar. I love Hulk but i hate the whole Hulk family storyline. I mean everyone was becoming a Hulk. I also tend to think that the statue is a tad overrated. Now I have not seen it in hand. It is well done and all but I just don't think it's that great. however I know it's my meh feelings I have about Skaar that affect my judgment.

Oh and

JOKER PF >>>>>>>>>>> Doom PF :)